
The Loud House Season 2: Episode 6: Patching Things Up/.Cheater by the Dozen

The Loud House Season 2: Episode 4: Suite and Sour/ Back in Black

The Casagrandes Season 1 : Episode 7: Operation Dad

The Loud House Season 2 : Episode 3b : Brawl in the Family/ Episode 5b: Vantastic Voyage

The Loud House:: Season 2: Episode 2 Intern for the Worse/ The Old and the Restless

The Casagrandes: Season1 : Episode 6: Stress Test/ How to Train your Carl

The Casagrandes: Season 1: Episode 5: Arr in the Family/ Finders Weepers

The Casagrandes Season 1: Episode 4: Snack Pact/ The Horror-Scope

The Casagrandes: Season 1: Episode 3: The Two of Clubs/ Vacation Daze

The Casagrandes: Season 1: Episode 2: New Haunts/ Croaked

The Casagrandes: Season 1: Going Overboard/ Walk Don't Run

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