The Loud House Nickelodeon
Episode 8a: The Weakest Ink
The interesting thing about this episode to me from an idea and concept stand point, is that this episode isn't anti-tattoo. Or this episode is about a character(s) wanting to get a tattoo but not being impeded by parent(s). That would be the standard of media tuned towards children, that the characters under the age of adulthood aren't allowed to get one for a various reasons. This episode takes a different approach and wouldn't have been around in 1995.
Luna and her friends in the Moon Goats Band have found out that their video got 100,000 streams, and they remember they talked about something they'd do if that ever happened. (The Mazzy idea of them shaving their heads would have been the more interesting plot) That would be to get tattoos because logical. The episode has them say they'll have to ask their parents first.
Luna goes to the tattoo shop to make an appointment and runs into Chunk. He talks about how painful getting tattoos are. This causes her fear and want to back out on a pinky swear. Funny about how the episode wants to subvert things, because the father hears about the tattoos and says it's alright.
Since Luna doesn't get that as an out, the idea of talking about her concerns doesn't make it because we wouldn't have an episode. I'll call out more here if the episode is trying to subvert it could have done that here too. The siblings decide to help Luna get used to pain to get the tattoo. It makes for a nice moment of the episode. Instead, she decides she actually going to tell her friends, but she finds out they have gotten them, this means yeah she can't tell them.
She gets an idea to do a temp tattoo and guess what they are hanging out for their "Beats in the Heat"? There's water which is bad for temp tattoos. She doesn't want to get found out that she's a phony. The mayor bringing an electronic thing during a water fight makes me question her decision making. They end up on a boat for a photo op. Then ,Scoots hits a rock and falls off and and has trouble in the water. (Guess she's going to die, bold choice, brave, well done) Luna doesn't let Scoots die when the rest of her friends all have an excuse to say they can't save the woman. (Maybe they don't like her and wanted her to meet her maker in a non peaceful, painful way. ) Luna admits she had a fake tattoo, but funny enough everyone did too. Sadly, no head shaving.
The episode, even with the slight of not being an episode where the tattoo focus is sneaking to get one, is still pretty by the numbers typical. It's a character, for some reason, can't talk to their friends about how they feel about something plot, even though things- even here- will be alright. It's not something new for this show and it doesn't add much difference to the concept. It's also a basic how the show does Luna plots now plot too, where Luna is anxious about something for 90% of the episode. It's really only alright, not more , not less. 7/10.
More after the jump
Hmm, getting my questioning out of the way, this why people read this right? right? help. Lisa can't just make a super telescope for the science club, they have to sell candles to get one? I know there's a balance to making sure Lisa can still do normal kid things, but you can't say that when what also happens in this episode happens. I think it doesn't fit as well.
Lisa has to go and sell candles for the school science club and I do like how the episode has accurate pricing for some scented candles. She has a hard time selling because she's a little too honest on things and vomit thing. She ends up getting help from Lola, Leni, and Lincoln. That latter even gives her a suit to convince people. This still doesn't work for her.
She decides to use SCIENCE FICTION to make the part of her brain that helps salesmanship (don't ask) bigger to be a better salesman. Again, she could have just made a telescope. Lisa ends up looking like a mixture of a male version of her and someone who might go "Well Actially..." alot . She now has the power to sell. This does work, but let's say the line...until it doesn't because it goes too far.
The salesmanship goes further to the point she wants to sell anything she can find, like stuff from her house, and Flip's tow-truck. She tries to sell the house, and Todd tries to stop her but she ends up selling him instead. He says even though he sold him, she's still his best friend. The episode becomes Lisa fighting herself between the side of her being a friend and sales Lisa. This episode is weird. She tricks herself (don't ask) to decrease the size of her sales lobe. She gets Todd back and everything is happy.
This episode was fun, yes I do have my Lisa bias here. It's fun, but fine, I won't say it's a wow or a super great episode. The concept was alright. I think the fight was funny. I give it 7/10.
That's it for now, tune in next time when we sell a post.
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