The Loud House: Season 8: Episode 2: Steeling Thunder/Be Careful What You Fish For

 The Loud House  Nickelodeon  

Episode 2a: Steeling Thunder 

         I will mention this episode has some weirdness to it. There's a very wonkiness in what it did.   Lincoln and Clyde are a making based on David Steele, again.  Lincoln is going to do a stunt and almost dies. Lynn saves him and this episode doesn't turn into that episode of The Brady Bunch where Bobby is saved by Peter and Bobby then becomes his slave. That didn't happen. [Thankfully?] Instead Lincoln asks Lynn if she could be his stunt double and then yeah.  After that it's over. We don't see her anymore. [Lynn has gone back to her home planet, don't cry for her.] 

             Which is kind of a disappointment that it's not about an episode of them making the movie.  It was student movie thing and apparently Lincoln won. Guess what happens next? Well everyone thinks that Lincoln actually did the stunts, because that's how movies work,  and oh that's why Lynn got out of the way. There's no tense what if Lynn reveals the secret thing?  This seems like a plot where uh oh Lincoln didn't tell the truth he's letting a lie fester, he's gonna to have to reveal the truth. 

        Lincoln is enjoying this fame a little and Clyde was bugged but kind of allows it.  Clyde, the normal back up moral compass to Lincoln, plays that different role here than normal. The episode also decides to shake some of the confidence Lincoln has had in the series since season 5.  Also he says he never felt this type of popularity at school before, when there's been showing of that before with the news team stuff. [See season 5, and 6]  

         There's one person who is confused and bothered by Lincoln's stunt fame  and that's Chandler McCann.  Who here -actually has a point- Lincoln is not telling the truth and he decides to be a better investigator than Channel 5 Eyewitness News  [whom?] and figures out that Lincoln didn't do the stunt. Lincoln and Clyde figure this out and decide they'll stop Chandler. How? [Check the rating.... hmmm no Murder then] They find some footage of him instead and use that replacing the footage he had. [The true moral is back up your files]  The moment there is a nice showing of human from Chandler , a character the writing of this show has done badly.  For some reason, like oddly the "One in a Million" episode [Season 7]  Chandler is wrong. The episode is saying that. 
         Chandler decides to get Lincoln to the stunt again to prove that he's lying.  Lincoln decides he's going to admit the truth  but the plane has other plans when Flip thinks that's the signal they fly.  This  is also the show being aware that its a cartoon and knows it's main character can not die. Because Lincoln falls off the plane, jumps on another one- being flown by a raccoon-  and his parachute fails and he lands in water and doesn't die, because he cannot die, he is aware , they are aware.  This also means he did the stunt for real, and ... and gets to prove Chandler wrong, even though Chandler wasn't wrong, and he doesn't reveal that he didn't do it in the first place.  

         I know Lincoln's been getting more wins since season 5, but this one really went hard to let him win.  I do get tired of the character lies or the character lets a misunderstanding spread then has to reveal what happened blah blah, but this one took a turn I wasn't expecting.  Maybe the show has stopped doing moralizing as much, which is fine, but still makes the episode feel weird when it feels like it's trying to conform to what it normally does then breaks somewhere. Chandler wasn't wrong , so it's weird. They also had to eliminate something that would have been a plot hole if they didn't where Lynn had to be gone for it work, after introducing her in the start, and think having Lynn working with Lincoln and Clyde would have been the better plot.  So I give it 7/10. 

    More after the jump 

Episode 2b: Be Careful What You Fish For 

         You may have heard the story of Moby Dick that's this with some more tameness for a younger audience. Spongebob did it funnier.   We get Leonard Loud and the other Loud guys, Lynn Sr. , Lincoln, plus Lance and Shiloh.  So  a return for the other Louds. They are going on a fishing trip, then Leonard  tell his family about how he lost to toe thanks to a big fish named Rick.  So he decides to go on the hunt for him and that's where the  Moby Dick revenge plot comes into play. 

            It's not a very let's dip into talking about this episode, episode. It doesn't have that.  Like yeah, man with his family chases a big fish. He gets caught up in the revenge thing and then when the other guys come to follow him they end up getting almost plummeting off a waterfall. Leonard decides his family is more worth it than the fish, so he makes a deal with the fish, that's how animals work in this show to help him save his family. Yeah. 

             It's not a bad episode, it's very simple, straight forward.  It's not funny either, it's nice. I do have to mention that Lance and Lynn Sr. were better here than in the Christmas episode [season 7] where they show signs of being competitive but not annoying with it and working together more often than not. Shiloh was just there and so was Lincoln in a way. This was very Leonard focused.   It's right there down the middle of an episode.  My rating is hard because it's so simple , but not much brings it to have something about it makes it rewatchable or that interesting, but it's not bad.  So 6.5/10.  

        That's it for now, tune in next time when we find out eat a big fish. 

