The Really Loud House: Season 2: Episode 15: The Man With the Backup Plan

 The Really Loud House  Nickelodeon 

        Episode 15: The Man With the Backup Plan 

            Something that is interesting about the Loud sisters is that most of them were noted for having a thing. Lucy likes the spooky, Lynn likes the sports, Luna likes the rock music, etc. that  is something that  one would gleam would be something that carries with them for a long time. This episode explored that idea of some of the sisters' confidence getting shaken. 

              There's  also a few other plots that connect to that one. Lynn Sr. has been feeling stressed and finds that Lucy is usually calm so he decides to ask her for help.  That brings a) a fun time with having those 2 interact b) an interesting part of the episode that kind of brings things together later.  There's also Lincoln's plot  which connects because he will be working with the sisters who are affected, and there's a plot with Clyde.

            Lynn is at the school assembly and a soccer star has decided to oddly tell people the truth that not all people will make their dreams come true, even if they do it their way... but (big but) but offering nothing to say work hard and try your best, it's more just give up.   That effects Lynn. I think that the idea of that getting to her is interesting. A confident character getting shackened by someone who has made it to the a top spot in something she's interested in is very realistic and interesting. She ends up talking to Luan , Luna, and Lisa who seem to take that message too.  Lisa will take it differently than the other three do. I do like that too. Lincoln takes the idea as a way to make a business.  

         Luan and Luna, at first, kind of take against the idea they believe that being Louds  makes them very special. Lisa wants to take the chance to see something and goes to Lincoln for his new business thing of making back up plans. I will mention, the soccer star's idea of back up plan wasn't stupid either, she just had a really bad messaging 90%. 

       Clyde needs help with a date, but Lincoln, has decided that he wants to only help with back up plans and not plan plans anymore, so Clyde is stuck listening to other advice that .... won't help him. That will go as expected, but at least he'll be able to get a back up plan?   Sadly, Lisa has decided to crush the dreams of Luan, Luna, Lynn - the girls who were shaken in confidence already. I think it fits well, where it the idea was already nudged in their heads, and Lisa's statics gives them a nudge further out of confidence. It was a combo of the two things, but the Alexa Jordan thing started it and spread.   

            There's the Lynn Sr. plot with Lucy, who encourages him to tune out of things and let the universe take over.  Most of his plot is him ignoring stuff, saying no, and Rita ending up doing it. Clyde takes advice from Lana and Lola, which is ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm ok then. 

         Lincoln finds new jobs for Lynn, Luan, and Luna. I wonder how that will go?  Of course, it goes well at first, but of course... you know.  Lisa's part is funniest since she is able to just move on up so quickly, she power moves so well. [best girl ]  The way other the other sisters fail is fitting, they were all still into their original things so their love of that pushes out their trying to do anything else. Creative.  

           Clyde's date doesn't go well, duh.  He gets to go for Lincoln's back up plan, but apparently,  Lincoln has given up back up plans. Clyde wants real help and asserts himself.  I like how the episode turns Lynn, Luan, and Luna black and white as they have lost their meaning.  Lynn Sr. has been brought in to help.   Lynn Jr. figures out first and she turns back to color and  she inspires the other two. It's really nice to see them figure it out and the doing nothing thing seemed to work.  Lisa, who did really well, she quits after finding out the others decided it's alright. 

             I liked this episode, it explored something with the Loud sisters that the animated series hadn't done at all. It moved very well to have Lynn hear the woman who planted the seeds, then spread it, then kind of keep their confidence then shatter it.  Lisa's part was really funny, plus it was nice to see her power move up a company. It pretty much was a great way to show how whatever she puts her mind to she'll over succeed. I will mention though, the idea of being rewarded for firing people is too on the nose. Not untrue, just a little too on the nose for the ownership of the network, this show is on.   Lynn, Luan, and Luna still having a hard time because they are so driven on their main thing was well done to fit and not feel forced. Clyde's plot was alright, I think it went  a simple way to say he should just relax and not over think things.  Lynn Sr,'s plot was good since it didn't devolve into some Rita getting mad at him thing.  Lincoln was fine, he didn't have a strict plot, and even happy that no one got mad at him for doing anything they went to him for in the first place. 

             I think it was a good and pretty fun episode, exploring something with the Louds that was interesting. 

             That's it for now, tune in next time, when we sue the company Lisa was working for.  

