The Loud House Nickelodeon
Episode 9a: Trouble Brewing
They decided to bring back Lori into the Loud House - or near the Loud House (the house). The decision kind of being a showing of weakness on the show's part, to the full commitment of Lori being out of the house and doing some college stories because this is somewhat easier. As established by the season 8 premiere, Lori is living in Mr. Grouse's garage (I'm calling the fire martial) and she didn't get a job between that episode where the family made her fail and this one.
This episode has Lori sneaking in the house to take food because she hasn't found a job and then the episode decides to find a way to have Luan , randomly, working at the Burnt Bean coffee shop. To be nice to the episode, it is nice to see Lori and Luan having some time together. Will Lori have a problem working under her younger sister? What do you think?
It does the beats, like Lori even says treat her like a normal employee and no special sister treatment. Lori does have some tension in getting to understand this job and things go awry, but there's no real sister tension yet, as it does seem Luan is there to help her. Then it seems to get harder for Lori as it seems she's not doing anything that well and there's a review on her.
The episode does remember that Leni is now the sister in charge when the parents are out, but Lori decides to take up the spot to confuse Leni to go out. Lori decides to play petty, like super petty. The episode better not make me want to root for Lori. Luan figures out that Lori is acting this way because of the job stuff, because again petty. The next day, Luan is still mad and decides do be actually petty and mean. The episode doesn't want anybody to be rooted for.
Old people show up and this causes Luan to have to put her thing aside and make sure they don't go over the top and fix things. It's like SpongeBob with the anchovies but not as fun. Lori admits she's sorry and Luan apologizes and everyone is happy or something now.
This episode is moderately enjoyable, The Lori going petty stuff wasn't. I do understand the motive of the idea as she is feeling weird because she's the older sister and the younger sister is being the boss. They made it work a little more by the fact that Luan wasn't being a bad boss or doing anything wrong. The Luan getting revenge part was short, but kind of unnecessary as the episode goes quickly into Luan being a manager and making sure the older people don't go chaos or something. It's not bad, but kind of fills the beats expected of what this plot does and not much of a big interesting thing to stand out. 7/10.
More after the jump
This episode is something they've done before, but with Ronnie Anne. In this case, one of the younger sisters, Lana, is getting copied and loved by Lily. It is kind of sweet to see the youngest Loud looking up to Lana - Lana needs more love. Lana takes this as feeling claustrophobic and wants someone else to be Lily's influence cling-on for a while.
You do get a good understanding in this episode of Lana feeling like Lily is hanging around her too much and that Lily isn't acting out of malice but really does want to be around someone she loves and admires. Eventually, Lana does get Lily to be attached to Lily, which feels like something is being said here. Then, as this happens, it ends up where Lana starts to feel a little envious that Lola is now grabbing all of Lily's attention. I like that aspect as that feels realistic.
Lana decides to find ways to get Lily back to her side. Also, the episode mocks me by doing a moment with her playing with Lisa, too bad it's not a plot. Lana decides to trap Lola in a castle playhouse to get to be with Lily, but Lily decides to be with Luan. I like to see the moment where Lana breaks down and talks to her mom. Rita explains that Lily goes through phases where a different family member is a favorite. I like how Lily decides to let Lana read her bedtime story, and the episode even remembers that Lola was trapped away.
A good episode, another one focused on a sister relationship we've not seen and shows one I wish we had [Lana and Lisa]. It's pretty interesting in exploring the idea of how someone feels when they think someone doesn't like them anymore because they are with someone else. I liked it. 7.2/10.
That's it for now, tune in next time when we are sad you visited other sites.
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