The Loud House Nickelodeon
Episode 6a: Kara-less Whisper
Oh good an episode I get to make multiple references to a song for the post. Lincoln tell his friends that the only copy of "David Steele" missing copy is in their town. (At this time of year, at that very location, plot convenient) There's a new girl that happens to have the comic book at her family's store. I can say that the lines here are forced hard. Like having Liam say "You mean that New Girl's family story. Let's go ask New Girl if she'll show it to us" and Stella going "Her name is Kara, guys" is forced. That's not human conversation, that doesn't even sound like the way Liam even talks. There are better ways to tell anyone that there's a new girl and her name without being this.
Rusty goes to talk to her and he does it with annoying way of doing it because Rusty. She turns him down. Zach comes over to try, but he sneezes because of Rusty's cheese stuff. She turns him down too. I didn't need to see Bolhofner's foot. (I'm out)
Lincoln decides to do an awful plan of deciding to fake being interested in her to get to look at the comic book. I'm going to correct myself a little, I think the awkward start fits now, saying New Girl and forcing in her name makes more sense for the episode they only needed her name to ask her to the see the comic. The group's goal is only to see the comic and Kara is really just their obstacle to overcome. This episode puts Lincoln and the group in a bad light.
The plan is to pretend they are doing a feature on Kara for the newscast and go around trying to find the comic... then something... profit? Also, introducing that Zach -why Zach- gets an ear piece that was dropped in a water bowl and gives mild shock meaning that it will come in to play, is dumb. Even in terms of characterization. Why would Lincoln decide it's still alright to give anyone- worse because it's a friend- something that he knows is slightly defective and gives a shock? Why does Zach just accept it anyway? Is the comic book that powerful, is it evil?
The episode also decides it wants the viewers -and the friends- to learn about Kara. Like she plays hockey, which amazes the friends. I couldn't tell if that was real or not because the plot. She has a little brother named Josh. She has a lot of hobbies un-naturally for this show. Like laying it on thick , there show.
I've been kind of mean to this episode, I will say something nice about Zach seeing a couple toys and gets distracted by playing with them. It was kind of funny and a little neat to see a characterization like that.
I'm also sure that the ear piece from Zach falling on the ground won't come in to play at all. Oh it does. Hmm. The joke that the high security ending up being Kara just locking a sandwich away from her brother is funny. Kara is , of course, un happy. I don't know why she let them see the comic. They apologize and I guess she accepts.
This episode is a little weird to me, it tries too hard to make Kara too interesting. This show has never introduced a character this way, it felt a little too forced in there. I don't think she's a bad character , but don't like that it seems they went for a high push of her and made the episode a little too forced. There's alot of parts that aren't that interesting either. I guess they should known better not to cheat a friend. (He did warn you)
I don't think it was strong as it could have been and makes me question the motivation behind the episode. I feel there are parts that made it feel clunky and things that went in strange directions. I'll give it 7/10 it's a very close 7/10 [like 6.99/10].
More after the jump
Miguel is going to be selling his own made perfume at the store and he's quite proud of it. He also has to sell well because his boss says he has to or she'll make him change all the lightbulbs. Also to be pedantic if this show takes place in a fictional town but on the eastern half of Michigan, Miguel saying his perfume evokes the smell of a lake Michigan sea breeze, is odd because their part of the state is closer to Lake Erie or Lake Huron. So that's how we know the writers aren't very Michigan. Also this will be a sign.
Miguel's perfume doesn't sell well because the smell scares people. (I will say it's great for crowd control, though, he should sell that to the police and security firms) Leni shows up to see that Miguel isn't doing well. Then, Sheryl and Meryl sniff Leni [ a sentence I had to write] and they like her smell [ this is getting worse] and Miguel gets the idea that Leni's scent should be perfume. It fails.
Alright, some of Leni's sweat gets into the vile and apparently that droplet makes it work better. It sales well (since probably no one knows what's in it) and it sells out. I laughed at Miguel using his perfume to scare away the crowd. Ms. Carmichael wants to buy more - 10,000 bottles- and guess that means yeah.....
I'm just going to say it here like this episode is pretty much Miguel acquiring Leni's sweat to make the the amount he needs for his stuff. At first, Leni is working with it. She gets tired because of all the stuff she had to do to sweat. Ms. Carmichael won't reduce her order to 5,000 because she has pre-orders already. Because of a story she tells, Miguel decides he's going to covertly get sweat from Leni.
Bottomline, I'm going to say no. This is really an episode where some guy goes around gathering sweat for a large chunk of an episode. Which, I mean is too long, because the idea from the start is strange. The episode's plot already has a thin line since it's about a friend getting caught up in business deciding to exploit another friend. In this case, it's him making Leni sweat to make sure to collect it without her knowing. It's at least not made to be seen as gross, only conceptually, but I think that does knock something out of this episode being enjoyable.
Miguel decides to not let Fiona finish a sentence and find out that Leni is at the hospital but seeing the boss who got injured. That let him confess to Leni, by accident. He apologizes to Leni, then the episode ends with him finding out his tears make his old perfume smell better and... umm stop with the bodily fluids.
I didn't find this episode that enjoyable, at least it was better to me on rewatch than first watch, but still kind of gross. That kind of hampers what is mostly a basic episode, the execution is a little strange to me. So 6/10.
That's it for now, tune in next time, when I never dance again, because my guilty feet have no rhythm.
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