The Loud House Nickelodeon
Episode 7a: Bulking and Sulking
I'm still on the fence about the whole introduce more Louds thing. This is the 2nd episode of this season to bring back Lance Loud. Also is Lynn Sr. doing child labor? Anyway Lance shows up at the restaurant to start the plot. He talks about how he's having a hard time finding a Royal Woods spot for his successful chain of of gyms, but having a hard time because of price. (If it's that successful then price wouldn't be that much of problem, that and how does a small town have anything that seems above his price range?)
Lynn Jr. suggests why not use the storage room on the top floor of the restaurant because sure. Also apparently, this gym has Lance directly working at it which makes me wonder why. Anyway, guess how this arrangement goes. Guess. Yeah there ends up being tension because the gym messes up the balance of the restaurant. Lynn Sr. was going to be straight with his brother but there are still a few minutes left the episode so ---spins wheel- -- cue Lance gives a statement to make Lynn Sr. question telling him because of yes.
So guess what that means? --spins wheel--- His new plan is make Lance annoyed enough to leave on his own. (minus points? --yes minus points -1pt for that one thing) Eventually, Lance decides to leave but (big but) then we get the part where Lynn Sr. decides to be gleeful and then Lance sees it. Don't worry, they make up. Then they find a solution for Lance to have a gym in Royal Woods: they bribe Flip with chili.
I liked this episode. It's basic in premise and hits the beats, but it's genuine. The main interest is seeing the brothers work through some stuff and try to rebuild their relationship. That's sweet. Funny to see Lynn Sr. ask to Lincoln to help him scheme that was different. It's an alright episode 7/10.
More after the jump
Episode 7b: Wild Goss Chase
The school newspaper is in trouble. There's also a girl that is actually the niece of Rita's newspaper boss, and she's in the family business. Lola is gossiping with a bunch of other kids because that's what Lola does. The girl named Jamie wants Lola to work for her business apparently she wants to the New York Post.
Lola instantly agrees. Apparently her idea is to just go around snooping and eavesdrop to get information. She does find out that Mrs. Johnson has been pranking the principal which is strange. Even for an elementary school paper is a girl picking her nose something big that would make kid go woah, as if 95% of them didn't also do the same thing? Also Winston, you remember Winston right? From season 2's "L is for Love". He's back (in pog form?) and gets an actual role. Yes, he does sound like Jimmy Neutron because same voice actress. I have to point out, that Lola's real news should be that he school slide is a death trap with a screw sticking out , instead of the focusing on Winston's pants ripping enough to where they fall down. She takes a picture of his underpants (I'm calling the police) he pleads (she's making it worse) for her not to not post that in the paper, because they are embarrassing. I'm sure a responsible newspaper editor will ...never mind.
Lola's relentless pursuit of gossip also has her run over a guy with her car. (I'm calling the FBI) She ran over the same guy twice. (I'm calling the CIA) She goes to see Sheryl and Meryl and thinks about spying on them. The gets stuck in a fence. Now her design really shows that she could just slip forward and move out that way, but I guess we need something here. Asking Flip was 9th dumbest thing she did this episode. (I'm calling the department of education) The fire department has to help and she sees the Winston saw her because yes. She goes to pay him off because that's what not guilty people do. (Take the money, boy, also sue her) She doesn't want him to tell about what happened, because he didn't want too. I'm also sorry I can't take the words he's saying that seriously because I'm hearing Jimmy Neutron, and I'm thinking he could have told Carl and Sheen.
He explains the damage she hath rot upon the school. She realizes that she has been bad and decides the news is about herself. Then she resigns from the paper.
The episode was fine, again pretty basic, but not bad. I think that it's interesting to see Lola get caught up in something so much forgetting what she is doing is hurting people. Even the idea of her running over someone fits it shows that she was willing to do anything to get gossip and didn't matter what was in the way or about if she was hurting anyone. Having Winston be the voice that tells her she was wrong was interesting if not different, since she would usually figure out something is wrong herself, but it worked because of the framing that someone decided that he wasn't going to tell on her like she did with her stuff. Yeah episode is good 7.3/10.
That's it for now, tune in next time when we sue the Royal Woods Elementary School paper , very hard.
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