The Casagrandes: Season 1: Episode 19: Bo Bo Business/ Blunder Party

 The Casagrandes Nickelodeon 

                    Previously on  "The Casagrandes" :  Great Lakes City train security is lacking and there needs to be fundamental  change to this problem.  Read here

             Now to Episode 19,

 Episode 19a:  Bo  Bo Business 

                   It has been shown before how invested Bobby has been in the family business and he even wants to go to business school.  In this episode he wants his grandfather, Hector, to accept some of his ideas, Hector doesn't really want to saying that things are alright they way they were.(Even though, there have  been times he seemed willing to take new ideas in from Bobby before, but plot gotta plot)  It starts with Bobby showing the idea of free Wi-Fi so people will stay at the store longer (not sure how that works for a convenience store, but alright)  Hector doesn't like that idea.  What about a commercial? (No, the episode just episode just started we don't need, oh nevermind) Nope,  also no to the bunny petting idea. 

            Bobby decides to leave and try his  ideas somewhere else and ends up, thanks to him wondering what happened to the dinosaurs, at a place called Hongs, run by a guy named Mr. Hong. (That makes sense) The man likes Bobby's ideas and lets him work at his store instead. (Do I want to question why there are two convenience stores  so close to each other?)  Hector and Bobby aren't talking to each other and get hit with Rosa's shoes after she gets splattered by mashed potatoes. (reasonable response)   

              Bobby even got to make a commercial for Mr. Hong. (I'd shop there)   Of course, this is part of the plot where everything goes well for Bobby, because that's how this works.   Mr. Hong lets Bobby watch the store, while's he gone for a day, and this is where the plot does that thing to make the climax happen.  

       That hug a bunny ideas was kind of fine, but Bobby wants to please everyone so, he makes it bring your pet day and yeah, that's a bad idea. A couple call backs from some past episodes show up as well, and everything is  a mess with rabbits everywhere. (Lincoln get your children!)   Ronnie Anne goes and gets Hector to help, Hector decides to go watch instead.(Hector is the kind of guy who watches car crashes)  Side Note: I'd watch an entire episode with the dog, Lalo, watching the store. 

             Meanwhile,   Bobby gets absorbed by rabbits.  Eventually, Hector decides to help.  They work together to fix the problem.   Bobby gets fired from Hong's , but status quo works and he's back where he started from.  They work together on a nice compromise.  They make a commercial at the end and now you want to shop there , don't you?

            It's a fine episode, I like how they are  focused on Bobby wanting to be in business. Bobby had some interesting ideas and Hector ,maybe should have been more flexible.  It had some funny moments in it, like Lalo running the store, the rabbits going insane.  I like the call backs to the lemur (from Trend game) and the snake  from some past episodes.   It's an entertaining episode, not wow! but still fun I give it 7.2/10.

     More after the Jump

 Episode 19b : Blunder Party 

                       Ronnie Annie is having a sleep over with her friends. (All 5 of them, 3 boys and 2 girls) but that's not the plot plot, that's the plot driver, Carl and Adelaide  want to be part of the party. Carl uses his young kid powers to get Rosa to get Ronnie Anne to allow him and Adelaide at the party.  (As Rosa suggests, at  least until it's the younger kids' bed time) 

                   This doesn't go to well as Carl and Adelaide slightly mess up the plans Ronnie Anne had for her party.  (episode also tries to do farts are funny thing so minus -1 pt)  So, Ronnie Anne and Sid think up a plan to get Carl and Adelaide to be distracted - a fake scavenger hunt. 

                The fun antics of this episode is seeing Carl and Adelaide go around doing this scavenger hunt, while Ronnie Anne and friends have their party fun , as planned. There's also this strange running gag of Bobby slipping all over the the place and defying the laws of science.

               One of the things on the scavenger hunt was to find a mango that looks like Vito, Ronnie Anne sees that the younger kids get into Par's van and think that he dumped them with the old fruits.   Ronnie Anne and friends go and search for the kids in the dump and have a hard time finding them and so she goes to Rosa only to find out that they are back home. (problem solved!) 

              Anyway everything works in a nice little bow all wrapped up and everybody's happy, that's just great!    

                    This is alright episode, good to see Ronnie Anne and friends, I do hope they make a strong episode with the group in the future. I don't think it was a like an exciting episode where everything was driving to something, just a nice little slice of life episode with some light humor. The Bobby running gag was weird more than anything else. I give it 7/10.

    That's it for now, tune in next time when we make it pet a bunny day at the blog. (how?) 


