The Loud House: Season 3: Episode 15: Absent Minded/ Be Stella My Heart

 The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

Episode 15a: Absent Minded 

            Clyde gets an oddly specific award of perfect attendance since Kindergarten. I would think that would be an award you'd get at the end of elementary school during elementary school graduation or something, not just randomly, this episode doesn't drift into summer, and my tangent stands. He  writes into his journal which says it's 11/3 meaning November 3rd, which isn't summer, even in the other hemisphere.  That's my tangent, that's the way I am.  Then again, this says they went to school July, so I'm tired. 

        Anyway, he finds out from his journal , where for some reason he writes multiple dates on page, but decides  that this one day for the plot gets a whole page (he's wasting paper shame on him).  He finds out that he missed a day of school. Clyde decides the best answer is that he's  a fraud and he needs to return his award  because he doesn't have perfect attendance.  

         The simple solution would be to talk about to the principal, but we have like 9 minutes left in the episode so let's... ah the principal makes him junior administrator. Clyde excepts the idea of power and dreams of being a future principal. (what?)  So he takes the job and well doesn't care about the integrity after all.  (Can I go home, then?)

         This episode is also interesting in being focused on Clyde, Lincoln shows up as background role, more than a main role. Clyde likes his job as junior administrator. He's actually pretty good at it.  Clyde then realizes the records might spill his secret. (He's acting like he committed a murder)  Oh cool, he and Lincoln got the record. (Can I go home, now?)     

      We have like 6 minutes left (oh come on!) and Clyde thinks the school junior heard him talking about the secret. So his plan becomes to kill him sorry, wrong show. (That would at least speed up the problem)  Clyde ends up cleaning up the bathroom to impress the janitor.  Also saying great flood of 2012, will make you feel old.   

                Next up, Clyde thinks the coach overheard him and decides to clean his boat.  Then he thinks the school nurse heard it and decides to do stuff for her. This is called Clyde being a little over the top.  Then the principal comes in  to give him a personal golf cart (the school has money for this).  Then he decides to announce that he doesn't have perfect attendance and his resigning. (like Nixon)  But wait, there's a twist!  Sheryl mentions the date he missed was the day the school was closed thanks to that great flood. mentioned earlier. 

      That was something. It's in Clyde's character to overreact, but (big but) the episode is oh Clyde missed a day, and he's morals won't let him take that, but then he decides he will take a nice position, and kind of break his morals, only to the feel bad and go back to his morals.  The episode then rewards him with oh well you know that date the school was closed.  Also, that was just bad writing from Cylde , he should have mentioned the flood.   The episode takes the long route of misunderstanding again, because someone thinks that's fun, it's not, at least when I first watched it, I didn't think it was a misunderstanding.  

          The episode could have also just rewarded Clyde for doing the good stuff anyway , but sure attendance something, flood, it's alright. I mean , I don't mind that flood stuff, it's just the episode's ride was kind of bumpy. Did enjoy Lincoln's minor role.  That's 7/10 for me. 

 More after the jump 


Episode 15b : Be Stella My Heart 

       Previously on "The Loud House" ... "Lincoln, we have to replace your eyes ... what?!" oops wrong episode, actually, "A new girl has entered the chat". 

          Apparently, the girl that Lincoln had a crush on in "White Hare" is back and now we get to see what she looks like, how she's adjusting to being a new girl, but...(large but) we're getting a moral puncture instead. 

      I'm going to do it here and say the moral of the episode is boys and girls can be friends with out romantic involvement. Says this show, the show that had an episode that said if a girl bullies you, she likes you.  Says the show where a boy has a friend who is a girl and not romantically involved, Lincoln with Ronnie Anne. "White Hare"  said that Lincoln had the crush on Stella, but this episode says friends too! Yay?!   

       Do you want to watch five guys be weird for an episode around a girl because the moral says so? Then here's your episode.  I'm not saying it's wrong for them to have a crush on her, but ( big but and can't lie) but they start questioning why a new student would keep coming over to talk them. Gee, I wonder, I can't tell, that never happens. New Students trying to meet new people and make some friends or not die or something.   But really, they are dumb enough to think that it's only a crush one of them (why not all of them? If they are going to assume, at least go big) 

      Stella decides the best idea is to talk to each one individually because I can't imagine why. Let me say here, that I'm not against the moral, even if we kind of already had that placed in the show  (a show that also went/goes out of it's way to pair characters up) but fine, I guess. I do wonder why the dropped the Lincoln crush thing. I'm saying the episode's journey is kind of off, because I think we're supposed to laugh at what's happening, instead of feeling slightly cringed, so if you didn't find it that way  the episode works for you.  

        I did like that the friends were supportive of Lincoln and Stella being together, but it goes weird when each one is asked to hang out and starts to make them fight, which they will later blame Stella for, because stupid.  They actually get that idea from reality TV, because that's  the big mistake.  

     So the friends compete for Stella's love (what?) by doing stupid things (I will give a small .3pts for the STELLAAAA thing). Instead it turned them against each other. The friends do figure out their fighting was stupid and then they blame Stella, not their own stupidity. (yes I repeated myself) Stella is rightfully confused.   She tells them she wanted to be friends with them,  and she walks away. They feel bad , and yeah they fix the problem, Stella joins them as a friend, the end. 

         So, again,  I'm not against the moral, but the ride was kind of slight mess, I can give it some of that because of the fact kind wants to feel annoyed by the way they are acting, it kind of works.  I do like the idea, especially for this show, to not just focus on romantic relationships between boys and girls.  I get that, there is some missed opportunities too, but I wasted my tangent quota way above. Anyway, yeah it's alright so 7.3/10.  

    That's it for now, tune in next time when we admit we didn't write the post the same day you are reading it. 
