The Loud House Season 3 Episodes 2 and 3: White Hare/Insta-Gran/ Roadie to Nowhere/ A Fridge too Far

 The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

  So I'm trying something different here, doing a 4 pack of Loud House segments. I'm not sure if I will do future posts like this or not, but it might be fun to do.  Let's get started, it's going to be a  little long. 

Episode 2a   White Hare 

             This episode decides to give us another crush Lincoln has because they like to do that for some reason (RIP Christina and Paige) and they will retcon this episode later, because they are rude and mean.  That's the episode, next one please.... alright fine...we'll continue.

      Lincoln is dressed like the Fonz because that's how people dress now. (retro is in) He is interested in a new young lady . Clyde says if he blows it he'll have to wait for another girl to move into town. (What?) Lincoln is going get on the bus with her and try to talk to her there. He's dressed like the Fonz because he wants to impress her.  The sisters see him dressed like that because they curious and hate that Lincoln isn't in continuity dress. (They also want to be out of continuity clothing)  Thanks to plot convenience, Clyde spills what's going on through the walkie- talkie.   To be honest, Lincoln is right there at the door, and could just leave, but yeah sure alright.  All the girls care that Lincoln is interested in a new girl and our now interested. 

     Lincoln says he doesn't need their help, because last they helped "Heavy Meddle" happened. (Woah they referenced a past episode, I'm shocked!)  They try to tell him something, that will come  up later that will come up in the plot later (it's actually, Saturday, there's no school? )  and runs away to the random forest in the town... alright then.  Anyway, he sees a rabbit.

      Fun fact, the Loud House was originally going to be a show about rabbits with like 26 kids, and somebody said, "Hey yeah do humans instead, and paired down the cast to 11 kids, instead"  The rabbit you see on Lincoln's bed in episodes was his old design. Thus, network interference isn't always bad. 

      They make that reference with Lincoln meeting the rabbit who has 25 sisters. Anyway, he  gets knocked out and ends up being a rabbit boy named Warren and has multiple sisters. I do wonder if any of these rabbit girls were draft ideas before making cuts. Though, making a sister who constantly sleeps would be fun, think of all the fun plots you could have. (That's not sarcasm) The sisters all have B names, there are lot of B names. Some of the rabbits are like his sisters in personality too.  (It's kind of fun to see)  

        Warren/Lincoln tries to run from his sisters to stop him from making a mistake with the new girl. This episode is going for symbolism.  The girls capture him and give him advice to leave and finally meet the new girl. Warren meets the new girl and stammers and does horribly ( he went down in flames).  (We also don't question how they have pockets a new pants)  Lady rabbit leaves Warren for a leather clad rabbit.   

      Lincoln wakes up thinking his sisters would have ruined everything, because his dream said that. Meanwhile, the rabbit he saw earlier gets help from his sisters and is a success causing Lincoln to wonder if he was wrong all along.   

        He goes back home and begs the sisters to help him and they tell him to be himself. (That was a waste of my time)  They say nice things about him and boost his confience and make him be himself. This is nice moment, and the kids laugh at him for being late to the bus?( kids are  weird) He introduces himself to new girl (not that old Fox show) and we the audience don't see her, except the orange bow.  Lincoln  has confidence and it seems to go well. 

         This is a fine episode, it does feel they wanted an excuse to do something with that original idea for the show. The problem with this episode is the over scan is they didn't really follow up to it. (Someone is screaming at me) And yes, I know, I'll probably get to that later, but I mean, they were cowards and dropped the idea of Lincoln having a new crush, and I don't know the reason, but it does seem like a strange tease thing to do for no reason. 

   I'm not in the camp of the show needed to have large thick continuity where if you miss an episode, you are screwed completely, but if they could reference Heavy Meddle then they could have stuck with the idea of Lincoln having a slight love interest, then again, they could have done that with "L is for Love" too ( I mean for Lincoln, stop screaming, you!)   It just feels, in retrospect, they wasted my time!  My main point is they had a man on base for something later and decided to get strike outs later. That doesn't bare on this episode's quality though.  

      Anyway, back to the episode, It's fine, it's another "Be yourself" moral plot, but it's fine. In the dream sequence it is kind of funny to see Lincoln's/Warren's worries I'm sure many have gone and said something to someone they were meeting and screwed it up, or even felt like you screwed it up, it works. I give it 7.5/10.

More ( I mean a lot) after the jump

Episode 2b: Insta-Gran

         The grandfather, Pop-Pop, is showing up with his new girl friend, Myrtle, to introduce her to the family.  Of course, she gets along with them and the family seems to like her. (Gee, I wonder what willh happen?) (Also removing .2 pts for a fecal joke, thankyou)  Anyway, the next day, after liking her, they seem to regret it.  She broke into their house. (That's what sane people do)  She wants to spend time with them and she wants  to be called Gran-Gran.  She starts to do stuff that interferes in their lives.  (They really should have had her arrested for breaking into their house, but sure alright) 

          Lincoln gets a strange bowl hair cut, I do like how it holds for part of the episode to keep it consistent. The family is notices that she wants to inject herself  into lives a little too much. (They could just tell her they find it annoying) They decide that the logical step is to break up their grandfather and the woman.(Logical as breaking into someone's house)  They do some tabloid stuff and make a doctored photo to convince their pop-pop  that Myrtle is a cheater.  

       Before they could make a clean get away (and because we 4 minutes left)  Myrtle sees them and it's her birthday for convenience. They find out that she doesn't have much family around. Her message makes Lori feel doubts about their plan and everyone starts to feel the same now too.  They do a great continuity  joke with the haircut and Lynn in a ninja suit, great joke.

        Pop-pop already saw the photo and his logical step is to try and kill the man who was in the doctored picture.  I'm not even joking, it looks like was going either drown the man or throw him, both would end up in death. (Explains why he would date someone who just breaks into a house, and a family being all casual about doctoring pictures)  The kids stop him and explain why they try to break up the couple.  Pop Pop apologizes to the man he tried to kill. Seems all is well.  

        Uh. it's a basic episode, it gives an interesting point that they are giving some more characterization of the Pop-Pop Character.   The episode is pretty funny at moments, like I said I like at poke at episode continuity joke. The other parts of the episode is pretty funny as well. The idea of a man almost murdering someone with out it being explicitly said, is kind of interesting that it made it in there, or I am weird and read it as almost murdering. I give the episode a 7.3/10 (I too off .2 pts) 

Episode 3a: Roadie to Nowhere 

         Season 3 of the Loud House went with the idea of focusing on individual sisters instead of Lincoln, this is one of the first of those episodes that did that.  This one has a focus on Luna. It starts with Luna and her roadie friend, Chunk going to a high school audition for Luna to sing a song. I like Luna's song in this episode, they do make some good songs for this character. She gets to headline something called the Royal Woods Rumble. 

      One of the teachers at the school knows Chunk and mentions that she thought he would end up being a big rock star, because he once headlined the rumble. Also, because she sees similarity between herself and Chunk. So, her idea is to try different jobs that she feels she could channel into instead.  First, she tries a record store, which fits well with her personality and like of music. 

       She is like one of those music fans who really into it and kind of freaks out the customer and she gets fired.  Try, try, again, she tries to be a D.J  and gets to interjected in to that and gets fired. We do see Lisa this episode, so that's nice.  Lisa tells her that she should try jobs that fit in the new economy. She works with her mother at dentist's but that doesn't work. She next tries food service but nope and later she tries IT work.  I like how they remembered that Lynn Sr was working at a restaurant and  Mr. Grouse working in IT.  

       Luna announces that she's giving up on music and dropping out of the rumble.  She finds out that Chuck has a band and she didn't know.  She finds out that she was mistaken , that Chunk doesn't live in his van, and that he likes to perform still and this encourages her to not give up music and go back to being in the rumble show.  The song from the start that she sung, is sung again. 

       This is a fine episode, the message, of course is that you shouldn't give up on your purists and dreams. I think they also were saying that you can find other things to do and still follow your dreams  It gives some more development  to Luna's character.  It's  an episode that's rewards the Luna fans with a fun ride. I give it  8.7/10.

Episode 3b: A Fridge  Too Far 

           Lincoln too focused on wanting mac n cheese bites. He saved some bites for after school snacking.  Meanwhile, Lynn Sr. wants to impress an investor by making showy stuff so, he can work to getting on the steps to his own restaurant.  Lincoln comes home and is mad that he doesn't have three bites anymore, just two. (Call the FBI!)  He confronts the sisters and decides to have a plan.  Luan tries to take of his bites and even says she enjoys his conniptions (rude) and she gets her foot hit by a watermelon thanks to Lincoln's plan. (winner!)  

        This inspires Luan to make her trap that knocks Leni out. Leni does her own plan and so on an so forth.  Lincoln thinks up a new idea get their own zone in the fridge, all color-coded, with Lisa's help.  Back to the Dad's plot. They divided the fridge between the 11 siblings , forgetting many many details, like there are 13 of them in that house.  They also didn't say anything the parents. Lynn Sr. puts his ingredients in the fridge anywhere he wants to because duh.  So when the kids go and find these ingredients in their zone, they are idiots and throw them out. (That's right I called them idiots) If they think that the food item belongs to a different sister then at least move it there, throwing it away is stupid.  

           The investor shows up, he's called Tim, and yes these plots will intersect. Lynn Sr. finds his stuff is gone.  The kids hear his girlish scream and they find out that they threw away his ingredients. (Because they are idiots)  So they suggest what Rita suggested earlier that he just serve the investor the stuff her normally makes.  This of course works of course it does. 

                 It is fun that this episode sets  up something in the background for future progress in the show, but you only see that in hindsight. This episode is fine, it's different kind of sibling conflict episode for the show. ( I enjoy other ones better than this one in that purpose) The plot depends on these kids being stupid and not just putting stuff where they think it would be from instead, they just throw it away and the cat eats the trash. That was a dumb way to get a plot to work. I do like the idea of the investor being tired of fancy food and the home made stuff making him happy. (This not being a Lincoln-led plot meant it was going to be a happy ending for a non-Lincoln character)  I do like the creative solution the kids' had and the idea of the episode not being a brawl episode is interesting and having a secondary plot leading into this one was well done even though, they had have characters drop some smart points just to make it work. Probably not advisable thing to do to make your plot work.  Anyway, I give it 7.3/10. 

    That's it for now, tune in next time, when we wonder what our life is like when we are rabbits who worry about people getting to our homes when we on our traveling 
