The Casagrandes: Season 2: Episode 14: Battle of the Grandpas/Prankaversary

The Casagrandes Nickelodeon 

        Previously on The Casagrandes: We wonder if Disney sues Nickelodeon over Star Wars references but it was all a dream and something about penguins read here 

Episode 14a: Battle of the Grandpas 

        This is a tension episode as the main idea is a character, Hector in this case, gets jealous when another character shows up and outshines him.  This character, going by the the tile, is another grandpa, this one being Frida's father meaning he's Carl, CJ, Carlota, and Carlito's grandpa, not Bobby and Ronnie Anne's but they'll join in this episode too because reasons.  The episode starts with Ronnie Anne and her brother and cousins watching one of their favorite in universe shows, Phoebe Powers.  There's also some Hector set up showing how he watches the family, (there's no Rosa this episode) 

        Then in comes Grandpa Danny who again is Frida's father meaning he's Carl, CJ, Carlota, and Carlito's grandpa.  (Danny is voiced by Danny Trejo so I'm glad they decided to name the character after him)  Grandpa Danny is a movie stunt man and apparently makes enough money to just throw it around. Frida shows up for the episode to say that he's her father, since well we know Carlos' father is Hector.  Then she kind of just evaporates.  He's nice enough to let Ronnie Anne also call him Grandpa. Hector is jealous. Vito is like Hector's pump up man to help him prove that he is the best grandpa not Danny. 

       90% of this episode is essentially these two competing. Like, I know the episode is called what it's called but it's like most of the episode is just that. (The episode brings up the dead myth that bulls attack  red, maybe it's not dead since they brought it up) I say that because Hector admits defeat after getting injured then it turns to the other 4% of the episode where it quickly has the grand kids have Danny try to domestic grandpa stuff. This is one minute of the episode it goes from Hector admitting defeat to the kids asking Danny to normal stuff like clean laundry, make food, etc. to  him admitting he can't do this  and he says that stuff Hector does is way harder and gives him props and they become friends.  It's literally a 1 minute and 21 minutes. I'm not saying it should have been sappy or something, I'm saying they spent most of the time doing that , that Danny only taking 30 seconds of episode to realize he can't do what Hector does seems rushed.   I think Danny should have maybe had about 2 minutes of episode trying to figure out that being a "regular" grandpa was more than just showering gifts and the other stuff he was doing , but they to include a bull and chasing red undies moment so alright. 

     I don't think this episode is strong as it could have been,  or have better comedy to make it make up for the weakness it has, it's just there running and running and running then it's like it had to tack on a heel turn and it had to do it so fast it leaves nothing else to go with.  It give it 6/10. More after the jump. 

Episode 14b:  Prankaversary 

             This episode has Lincoln Loud from "The Loud House" show up because reasons. Apparently it's a 'prankaversary' because that's a thing people do, it's an anniversary where Lincoln and Ronnie Anne have a prank war for prank master.  Ronnie Anne says every year, and  I'm not even sure what that means, why they included that line and why they want over thinking to happen, so minus 0.5 pts just for all of that.  Sid comes over she's first there for Ronnie Anne to explain what the heck is going on and also for plot reasons.  They also want to establish the Sid doesn't know much about pranking so Sid is there to learn instead.

        Most of this episode is going to be Sid causing some backfires and causing Ronnie Anne to be in negative points.  Ronnie Anne decides to change the plan and have Sid be a spy on Lincoln for Ronnie Anne instead, but messes up Lincoln's prank for Ronnie Anne. Then Ronnie Anne, Lincoln, and Sergio tell her that's she bad at it and she leaves. 

     It's a rare site to Sid mad, but she decides to plan something.  Adelaide shows up to tell Ronnie Anne and Lincoln that Sid is being chased by monkeys at the zoo. Which I mean you can guess where this going, meaning a prank has been set because Sid was trying to prove something and she wins the contest.  I think Sid's prank was the best part of the episode.  The episode is kinda weak, I get the set up that Sid wants to be involved  and she's trying her best and the pranks backfiring were an alright way to go for it.  I honestly think Lincoln was there more fanserverice more than any of worth to the plot, like he was only there to be the foil to Ronnie Anne pranks, a role anybody interally in the show could have played, it's not like Lincoln brought something to the table different, except some slight interaction with Ronnie Anne and Sid and a reminder that this show is a spinoff. 

       Sid's prank part also worked because I didn't know it was going that direction when she started by getting chased by monkeys.  I don't think the episode was really strong, but I can't say it wasn't somewhat enjoyable as an episode, the pranks let the episode be fun and breathe and I'm glad it turn unnessarly angsty.  I give it 7/10.

That's it for now, tune in next time, when I put more effort into this joke. 
