The Loud House Season 5: Episode 13: Rumor Has It / Training Day

 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

     Previously on the Loud House, Lynn doesn't want to hurl and later Diamonds !  Read here

Now to Episode 13

  Episode 13a Rumor Has It 

         This is one of those episodes where they are saying rumors are bad because rumors are bad. The teacher , Mr. Balhofner, has a rumor going around the school that he's a cannibalistic serial killer. Now I think there would be an investigation into this but let's play. So this episode, Clyde, Liam, Lincoln, Rusty, Stella, and Zach (we did it in alphabetical order) and their class are going on a trip to a quarry.  Now for plot reasons, there wasn't enough buses and so guess who has to ride with Mr. Balhofner? (That's right, Cricket Green, no wait wrong show)    

   Lincoln is rest assured that he's seen the episode's plot and knows that Mr. Balhofner is not a cannibalistic serial killer. (Which I mean would be a twist if he was, I'd welcome it.) He's really sure, let's ramp this plot up a little more. Oh no they have to take a detour because of a flippie spill. Which also comes to play when the bus is stuck meaning the trip is canceled. Meanwhile, in the woods, Mr. Balhofner and Lincoln's gang all are stuck in the woods because of a flat. 

    Cue the rain and intenseness. This is actually the best part of the episode, I love the feelings of dread they put into the episode. They gave it a good horror movie homage look. Anway, now Lincoln thinks maybe Bolhofner might be a murder because of the stuff in his cabin. They are in his cabin in the woods. (yes we did that)  

       I  love how we learn little tidbits about the teacher, he's gruff man who likes hunting but also knows how to dance and he likes movies, video games and etc.  Anyway, Lincoln and his friends decide to trap him in the cellar and run out, but he gets out and stops a freakin bear from killing Lincoln and his friends.  He wonders why they locked him up and why they ran out when he mentioned earlier, that there are freakin bears out there. He learns it's because the of rumor he heard about already. 

      Of course it's not a true thing for many reasons.  Lincoln +5 feel guilty and good thing they have video of him fighting off the freakin bear to show everyone and now Bolhofner isn't considered a killer anymore. The ending of the episode is sweet.  Again, this episode's message is clear and  discerning viewer will notice that yes, rumors are not good and we shouldn't think that they are true about people at first notice. (Especially when horrible sites like Twitter exist)  The episode does reward you for viewing by having it giving you a tense atmosphere.  I liked it, there's some good fun dynamics with the characters including Bolhofner, it was a good episode 7.3/10.  (I gave it+.3 for the Rusty and Bolhofner dance moment) 

More after the jump

Episode 13b: Training Day 

           We've not really had much Stella interacting with a Loud, this episode changes that though the plot isn't really about these two together.  Liam,Clyde, and Lincoln lying in the backyard watching clouds begins the episode, it's not really important to the plot, but I found it interesting especially since we usually just see Lincoln and Clyde or it's Lincoln and his whole friend group, so it was nice to see a trio.     

     Stella shows up and she has a new rabbit named Jazzy; she shows the rabbit but it's apparently a bad rabbit. Cut to Lana to make the plot be the plot; Lana is able to get a whole bunch of different animals able to lead step by step (or slither for the snake) to fall in line and make things work. They also introduce Lola to the episode with her car not working and of course Lana being Lana fixing it. They also do a twin language thing. They are showing how close the twins are to each other, now why are doing that? (Why are you asking me?)  Well, we'll find out. 

        Stella sees how well trained the animals are and asks Lana for help. This the part where they interact. It's good, wish it was duo episode but alright. Lana takes the rabbit and starts working with it, but we get cartoony moments of the rabbit running around destroying stuff and making same shaped holes in walls. That was funny. +0.2 pts.

    There's more Lana and Lola interaction spread the through the episode, those are also nice moments and I'm giving that a +0.2 pts as well. Jazzy gets free and causes a rampage through Royal Woods; there's also a nice moment between Lana and her Mom. This episode also has some funny moments with Lynn's pony tail and a few little addings there. This episode is a delight to watch with heavy Lana wholesomeness. (We also got some Lana tears and I wanna add points to make her feel better so please add +0.1pts)  

   Lana was about to admit to Stella she had failed. but she finds out that a bunny wrecked through the mall. This ends up being a twin bunny (yes) of Jazzy named Snazzy and Lana figures out that the bunnies are mad about being separated. The episode doing a twin bond thing to show us how close Lana and Lola are ends up being a key reason why the rabbits were sad. That's an interesting stretch for an  idea, but it was executed well enough to where it's not feeling tacked on to make a point. Stella ends up with two rabbits I guess. A fine episode, I like seeing Lana's character she's a standout Loud House character. This was a good showing of her talents being an auto mechanic and her love of animals. It give this episode 8/10. (Yes That's right, it was going to be 7.5 but  yeah it got over the hold)  

That's it for now, tune in next time when we take care of a nasty rumor about rabbits.  (Eh?)      
