The Loud House Season 5: Episode 3: Strife of the Party / Kernel of Truth

 Nickelodeon  The Loud House 

    Previously on the Loud House:  Leni leads the family into a new land and later Lincoln was right all along about everything   read here    Now to episode 3, 


        Episode 3a:  Strife of the Party 
             As mentioned before, the Loud House wants to age up things and etc... so of course this is an episode where they do that with some characters, this time literally: the twins! Lola has been planning their birthdays for years (don't question that) and this time Lana wants to take a crack at it. Lola doesn't really want that to happen.  
             Most of the episode is Lola trying to make sure Lana's party ideas aren't Starting with the party supply store where Lola goes  inside to make sure the gross stuff is hidden. Lana subverts that by using the dumpster. I will contend that they maybe focused too much on Lana just picking gross stuff instead of her doing something with mechanics or cars.  I guess it would be the same if it was Lola with her love of pink and fancy things. 

             In a way you can understand  both sides of these characters.  Lana just wanted a party she could enjoy because she never really had that chance to have things she enjoys at her birthday party. While Lola on the hand, you can see that maybe some of the things Lana picked are a little gross, or over the top.  (The dirt cake, nobody wants that)   
         Lola  figures out a way to stop everything Lana put together  She was able together her own thing. Lana figures out the truth (because Lola is sloppy, ironically) Lola decides to go fix the mistake she made and gets everything to work out for the party.    

          I do understand what the episode was going for , and the twins are always interesting together but, I think the episode falls into a trap of making it where Lana wasn't considering things that Lola would like, just as much as Lola hadn't considered what Lana would  like in the past. Would have been nice if the had worked on a party together with their own ideas coming together. That's my thought, anyway I give it 7.5/10. 

More after the Jump

      Episode 3b: Kernel of Truth 
              I do like episodes where Lincoln and his friends come together, there's always some delight to these. It starts with the friend looking for a secret  game room in the school, because yep. That leads into them finding the school's old studio for a school newscast.  (Also Rusty crushes on Zach's Mom)  

    Lincoln, Clyde, Stella, Rusty, Zach, and Liam ask the principal if they can restart a news show.  (They call it Action News, weak)  They even have a pose. She approves and they start their first newscast and it doesn't go that well.  (Stella insulted a teacher)  It could have gone better, the school newspaper didn't like it, (they're jealous). 

       They have to find a story that will work. The vending machine is out of pop corn so, the kids go out and check out what's going on.  The principal likes the idea.   So more stake out, I like how Zach is a bush. (that's a strange to say)   They figure out that Merryl, was the one taking the popcorn to sound proof a spot to watch her soap. So, they help her out and she gives them a story in return; she helps them find that secret game room. The principal lets them continue the show.   

       The details in this episode all come together well:  The kids searching for that game room comes back a way to make it work for the end. The room they first tired to look at comes into play for the popcorn part ,  Merryl watching her soap wasn't just a throw a way thing either.  That was neat.  It' s a fun episode with  anice mixtuer of Lincoln's friends and mystery. I give it 7.5/10

    Tune in next time, when we wonderif they find Al Capone's Vault. 
