The Loud House season 5: Episode 2: The Boss Maybe/ Family Bonding

 The Loud House  Nickelodeon  

          Previously on "The Loud House" Lincoln doesn't have to stay in Canada sadly, that would have been fun, but noo!  Read that here  


Episode 2a: The Boss Maybe


      As I mentioned in the "Schooled" post , though I 'm not sure which order you are reading this in, because I'm not that powerful, this season of the show  they have decided to advance things slightly. They put Lori in college,  that means the second eldest, Leni, has to step into a roll. This episode is about that. 

            It starts with Leni at her job, where she gets employee of the month, at first, this doesn't seem to be in place of the episode's plot synopsis, but that's actually a good fit for it. The idea of showing how good Leni is at her job and has been shown in previous episodes is a good way to set up the episode. So, she's riding with her mom home and she says that Lynn Sr and her are going away for the weekend, and want Leni to take the roll of family taskmaster. Leni's not sure if  she can fill this role. 

             The parents leave and everything kicks off then.  They setup where the chaos starts with Lynn and Lola fighting over money,  Lana coming and smelling after she let herself , on purpose, get sprayed by a skunk.  She does what will be a running gag where she freezes.   Her first idea is to call Lori for help this kind of works.   Then Luna is annoyed that Luan is hosting a comedy club in her room.( A weird problem)  She calls Lori again for help.

         Lori's idea of doing a fire fighter routine is creative and it worked. Lincoln and Clyde want to watch a scary movie.  Lori's phone, since she's in class, gets confiscated and can't help in this episode anymore.  Chaos ensues again , and this time Mr. Grouse (.5pts added for Bing Crosby mention) is annoyed.  Funny enough, the kids don't know how to reset an internet router (I'm concerned) but Mr. Grouse does, and it's like the show is bragging that they remembered, Mr. Grouse knowing IT (they forgot the kids taught him but alright).  

     This allows Mr. Grouse to help a little.  Lisa makes a fruit punch that doesn't make stains, mostly by burning the floor like acid. (Don't drink that) Mr. Grouse falls asleep and everything else collapses into chaos. Leni ges a call from her two co-workers and friends,  and they encourage her to use her work skills at home.  So, she treats them all like customers and this shows an effective way of helping to fix the chaos.  The parents come back early and they are happy their daughter did well.  

          The episode is nice way of showing how Leni adjusts to Lori's role, and that she should do things  in her own way.  I like that the start with Leni being shown doing great a work plays into the resolution of the episode that makes it  a nice touch. It's a wonderful episode and has some nice touches to it.  I give it 7.5/10.

More after the Jump

Episode 2b : Family Bonding

              The episode starts with Lincoln and Clyde playing a spies, then Lynn doesn't open the door like a normal person and announces that new neighbors have moved in. They family goes out and trample Rita (rude) and meet the family. Lynn Sr. gives the woman a pie with Michigan Cherries from Michigan. Pause what?

         Nationally, the cherry harvest this year is estimated to be up 39 percent from 2015, with a production harvest of 309 million pounds. Michigan ranks fourth in sweet cherry production, behind Washington, then Oregon and California, according to the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center. Michigan is the country’s largest producer of tart cherries.

                                                                                                 -Detroit News    


            They meet  the family called the Millers: Carly, her husband Jeff and their son, Ryan.  (Its interesting how they all wear matching sweaters tied around their necks)  Lincoln has a plot convenient moment and sees the family next door doing something weird in their attic.   He comes to the conclusion they are spies.  His family is like you do this all the time and apparently, how many have moved in next door?   

        Lincoln and Clyde have decided to spy on them. (Breaking their 4th amendment rights , tisk tisk)  At the library, Jeff goes to the suspense section and a strange person gives him a book that says how to grow Georgia Peaches.   Meanwhile, Carly goes to Flips and they spy on her with a large flying camera.   Flip ask her about why she's getting peach and not cherry and she gets mad. (As one does, Flip!)  She hates cherries. Clyde says that's weird, because who hates cherries?  

         At school, Lincoln bugs Ryan's pizza (Lincoln is the NSA, shame him!)  to find out that  Ryan might be lying about his weekend plans.  (Maybe he just doesn't want to wrestle, Lynn, Lincoln!) Clyde and Lincoln put together a board to what the Millers are up to. They think the Millers want to destroy cherries and destroy the Michigan economy. (Uhhhh) 

                 They think that peach growers want to destroy the cherries. (What?)  Lincoln, already breaking their fourth amendment rights, has decided to distract the Millers with a barbeque and break into their house.  (didn't even get a warrant)  Lola finds out that Lincoln has broken the law and tells everyone. Lincoln finds the attic full of  and he has a pen that somehow can remove the panel (dangerous)  He gets caught.   Everyone thinks Lincoln is crazy when the nice Millers tell them they are just nice weather folks, who happen to also grow nice peach trees in their nice attic, but mean Lincoln wanted to meanly break in to their nice house  and meanly mess up their stuff, and these nice people didn't deserve this. 

                    The episode ends like a normal Loud House episode where Lincoln once again learns that he shouldn't judge people and call them spies, and break into people's homes and abuse their 4th amendment rights because if we all did that our society would be madness and who wants that? Still kind of a bland episode, using a plot we've kind of had before, just with spies  as it's  6.5/10.

          Well, that's it for now, tune in next time when we....WHAT? (Spoiler ahead , watch episode) 

           Lincoln  is sad that he was wrong and sulks to Clyde on the walkie talkie as he was leaving with  his family out of the Millers' house when he throws his walkie talkie it  hits a button and finds out the Millers have a cherry destroying device. (what?)  They are actually spies. Lincoln stops their plans and they disappear.  

        At the first watch, I was genuinely  surprised  that they managed to a do a twist ending that  was fun and committed to it. They easily could have said it was a dream, or something, but nope.  It would be good for the show not to have to try and force a moral to work into a story, especially since this show has done almost every moral in the moral book. I'm glad they took that chance, it paid of well of the episode.  Parts it before that were fun enough to hold  a good episode together. I would have said it was a nice  7/10 episode, but this ending nailed it, and hope the show can commit to trying different ending ideas and make things  a little more fun, I give it 8/10.

  That's it for now, tune in next time, when we save the Indiana company by knocking about 3 squirels wearing pirate hats. 
