The Loud House Season 2: Episode 15: Back Out There/Spell it Out

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

    Previously on the Loud House;  Lincoln finds his room once again. You can read that here 

 Episode 15

 episode 15a: Back out There

    Previously on the Loud House, Ronnie Anne moved away, and they meant it!

     This episode has more of Lincoln's friends and not  just Clyde.  Lincoln hasn't been hanging out with them all week because he has a secret. (He's a paid government assassin?)  Not sure why he couldn't tell them, but plot gotta plot.  They spy on him because that's what sane people do. They see him hanging out in front of Ronnie Anne's old house and assume that Lincoln  misses his old love. (Even though, they aren't lovers)

        Why does Clyde have plot convenient pamphlets? I don't know, plot!  Clyde's plan is to help him get over his "post break-up blues". The first thing they try is a boys afternoon out (coming to theaters in never)  So, where white suits because that happens.  Lincoln mentions Ronnie Anne and they think he's missing her so they go weird. (They already where werid)  They have a montage of other fun things they did because montage and show go together like Santa and Milk.

      They spy on Lincoln again Ronnie's house again because that's what sane people do. Had to get gross with the suits didn't we?  Now they have to find some beautiful ladies for  Lincoln.  We also find out that Liam has a cousin.  Rusty gets Lincoln an old lady. (Nevermind) The next part of the plan is put Lincoln on a bus, literally.They finally tell him why they are doing this and he tries to explain to them but they're idiots so he gets put on the bus. (He was never seen again)

      Ronnie Anne plot conveniently calls Lincoln's plot conveniently dropped phone so, they an plot conveniently find out what the plot was. Ronnie Anne already knows they are idiots and luckily Lincoln didn't die.  Also Ronnie Anne went through all this time just to prank Lincoln, oh come on.  Lincoln does kind of miss her. (It's happened, he likes being tortured  help! help!)

       Most of this episode wouldn't have existed if Lincoln told his friends what he was doing in the first place ,instead of acting all secretive or  the other way around if they didn't try to do something stupid.  The episode is allowed to do this because it allows humor to flow really well it's enjoyable with doing that.  I give it 8/10.

 More after the Jump

Episode 15b : Spell it Out

          While Lucy is more seen as a character that can individualistic because of her ways and unique personality, but that doesn't mean she doesn't want to be included in her family's decisions and stuff. This episode starts with Lucy coming home from a night walk with pet bat, Fangs, and she sees her siblings painting the bathroom pink. She wonders why. (I wonder why) Lynn mentions that they had a sibling meeting had to pick between pink paint and black.  Pause. I understand the plot is playing with me and saying two colors of convenience where one happens to be Lucy's favorite color. But why is everyone so enthusiastic about pink? Like why were they so quick to vote pink, what the heck?  This show does this, where they don't justify why characters would pick something that might that this own show might establish might not pick and it's strange really.  Lucy wasn't there because
nobody noticed her.  Lola brushes that line up, but the show has humor and joke.

           Lucy tries do a seance but keeps getting interrupted she tries to ask her family if they could stop but they don't even hear here. Next pie, and she raises her hand but Lola walks on the table (like a crazy person) and takes it and no one notices Lucy.  Remember how this show had a thing where person first with the TV remote would get to watch the TV? Welp, screw that, we gotta make this work so they had a meeting on TV shows without Lucy.  (Good thing this show already has shown everyone having some common interest TV shows or I'd call double foul)

    If anything, this whole scenario makes you feel bad for Lucy , where it does seem they are outright ignoring her.  She goes up to the attic and finds something from her great Great-Grandmother Harriet, who looks like her, this being a spell book. Thus the title.  Lucy decides to use magic to make her siblings get back to fix.  She uses spells and it seems they work.  The siblings use their ways around  stuff that happened so, Lucy uses an EXTREME spell.  (I'm not going to ask how she hid lit candles)  She does a spell where she makes her siblings have to listen to her.

    The next morning everyone is saying things in mute form. (I have a question, but I'll ask at the end)  She does things like doing sibling meetings and getting what she wants by being able to outvote her siblings.  Lucy hears things where her siblings had  a bad time seemingly doing with their not being able to talk , again there's a question I' going to ask later. She wants to undo the spell and is willing to undo the spell and make herself mute.  She tells her family how she felt. Then we find out that family couldn't talk because they lost their voices cheering for their grand father.  They also had explanations on how her other spells worked.

   They apologize to her it's a heartfelt one , without actual words and they offer to watch her show with her. 

       Now for my question; so if they couldn't talk why did a) not tell anything to Lucy earlier with paper? b) why did  Lori not just text her friends that she lost her voice, why didn't Lincoln just not play his game? why did Lynn not write to tell her teammates maybe someone else should lead ? I'm confused.  While this doesn't make the episode bad, it  makes it work for the idea to have Lucy think she actually did her spell and that you might believe it in first viewing too.

    It is interesting to note, that they seemed to remember her for a sibling meeting for picking a "soggy seat" for her but didn't think enough to ask her to the meeting. Most of the episode makes you feel sympethic for Lucy.  There's a fine line in the episode, where it could have been bad , but they made sure to stay close but not go over it, and it worked. It's a great episode, entertaining and worth 9/10.

Tune in next time, when we put a spell on you

