The Loud House Season 2: Episode 14: Out of the Picture/ Room with a Feud

The Loud House Nickelodeon

      Previously on the Loud House: Ronnie Anne takes a bus, but she'll be back!  Read here 

       Now to episode 14 of season 2
      Episode 14a : Out of the Picture 

            The Loud House has another picture based episode let's see how this one goes.  It's going to be school picture day.  Lincoln and Clyde forgot to register their ghost hunting club and Liam tells them about a kid who's forgotten. This scares them, while plot line b shows up with Lola having a bad day because her picture wasn't very good.

         Lincoln and Clyde decide to sneak into different club photos to get into the pictures because this is a sound plan. Lola tries to get herself a new picture done. The coach, who is handling the yearbook, (dang budget cuts) won't accept her new picture. Lincoln gets the idea to join the yearbook staff and  this works. (Thanks to the coach)

      Lola wants Lincoln to fix her photo.(She also had blackmail for the coach)  Lincoln and Clyde decide to make pictures and stick themselves into every club almost.  Then they find out the Yearbook has to sent that night and now, have to beat the clock.  Lincoln did something.

          Three weeks later, Lola's picture was fixed, because Lincoln used his split decision to fix them.  They do get a good ending because they are in the yearbook staff photo and the episode ends with a jig because sure why not.

          This is a good episode. Lincoln and Clyde's antics were fun and Lola's plot was slid in very nicely where it wasn't out of place.  The episode did a great job during the moment Lincoln hears Clyde and the coach's mock therapy sessions and decides to make a decision you couldn't tell the results of until later.  The episode gives us more to Lincoln's caring nature towards his sister and a good around ending.  There's nothing that's not enjoyable about this episode. It's 9/10.

More after the jump


        Episode 14b Room with a Feud 
           Oh no no no , this episode has the word feud in it, baton down the hatches!   Someone might unnecessarily complain.

              It starts with Lincoln watching a show and Lola enters the room complaining about Lana, her roommate. Lana apparently used dolls for pit hair because, sure why not?  Plot conveniently enough, Lynn complains about roommate Lucy, because Lucy's bat bit her.  Leni complains about Lori because, plot convenience.  Lincoln gets the idea to help his sisters by using a compatibility test to change roommates.   So this episode pairs up sisters we've not paired before like Lana and Lynn, Luna and Lisa,  Lola and Lucy, Luan and Leni, Lori and Lilly.

    I wonder how this will go?  I mean it seems to go well because that's how everything starts. It is interesting to see thee sisters who have different personalities have some similarities to each other.  Like I said, the plot won't let this  last forever  so it goes bad.  Everyone gets mad at Lincoln's test because it was from an Ace Savvy quiz.  Lisa decides to use SCIENCE. 

          Computer pair Lori and Lola, Leni and Lynn, Luna and Lana, Luan and Lucy,  For some reason. Lincoln was included, and Lisa gets her room. Being with a baby might not be Lincoln's thing because such a contrast.  Lincoln wants to do something about this and goes to Lisa, and the machine says they aren't because plot convenience.  He goes to tell everyone to switch back, but notices everyone else  having a good time with their new roommates and decides to keep them and bare with Lilly.(He could have just asked Lisa to switch but we gotta have feelings or something)  The sisters over hear (because plot convenience) him talking to Clyde about his situation and how he decided to not ask his sisters to switch back. (Again he could have just asked Lisa to switch with him but reasons)

     The next morning, he wakes up back in his status quo room and finds out his sisters moved him back at night. (kind of creepy)  Everyone decided to move back to their status quo rooms (Could have just .... never mind) The episode makes the ending sweet and then Lincoln gets nuclear poisoning probably.

       Now you could take away that I was being a little hard on this episode, but that doesn't mean it was a bad episode. To the idea of the sisters fighting, it was tamer than  past episodes, and they were going to go all status quo in this episode but, it still provides some value to see  Lincoln being to help his sisters in his own way, even with some misguidance. He doesn't get "punished" by the others for it as they try a different approach.  If you don't like the episodes being harsh, than this one isn't harsh, it's for you.
    The exploration of seeing different sisters with different sisters is very interesting. We also learn somethings about them , like Lisa preferring company of others.   It's a good episode I give 9/10/

