The Loud House Season 2 Episode 12: Potty Mouth/ L is for Love

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

  Previously on the Loud House : The Loud Family become Superheroes  Read that here 

       Now to Episode 12 

       Episode 12a: Potty Mouth 

            Oh great an episode about swearing! weeeeee!  

          So, Lilly is getting tested for a fancy daycare that Rita has been on the waiting list  since she was pregnant with Lori (So she had all these kids to just to make sure she had a baby for this daycare when her time came up? Genius!)  Did you know Lilly is a baby? Yeah. When Lynn changes the channel to a show called "Operation Desert Storm" (They named a show after a war, what the heck?)   Lilly says Dannit (First off, this show got with saying something close to "Damn it" I mean really close, I'm amazed they were allowed to use it)   The siblings think she said the other word and get more shocked. 

        The montage (I say a lot for this show) shows  them using the word (with censor ship) and they think that if she says the word they won't be able to go to that daycare. Lincoln suggests that they try to show Lilly not to say the word.  Lisa is bald this episode, why am I bringing this up, well, there's more to that later. (She's not going to live to be 9; with all the nuclear mishaps)   It is nice to see the siblings to help a problem they think exists and taking responsibility for the action. 

      Since, this is my re watch, it's fun to watch the context clues for the when Lilly says the word she says. The siblings try to make sure she won't say the word. Again, it's sweet to see them try and help.  The new plan is have Lisa act as Lilly without her wig (plot convenience was convenient) and her teeth (Guess what Loud isn't going to live to be 9 years old)  I'm glad the daycare woman is an idiot and can't tell a completely  bald child  from one who has a yellow tuft of hair, otherwise this would be a really stupid plan. (It is but still)   Then when Lisa acts like a one-year-old as instructed by Luna, she (you know what i'm removing like 1pt for that; I don't that). 
You what?

       Lilly gets into the daycare. She says the word again, watch the context clues. Apparently  the teacher is the only one who figured out she was saying donut. ( Throws papers out the window)   The episode did show us this in the context clues very well through out. That's the best thing about this episode.  Then it ends with Lilly saying something that had to bleeped.    

      I'm really a big fan of these type of plot episodes, except the Spongebob one or the Rugrats one.  I do think episode has some good stuff to it to make it work.  Part of my grading scale involves re-watchabilty and it does have that value because the way the context clues.    There is some good humor to the episode and it doesn't  have FORCED MORAL OF SWEARING IS BAD or something.  I give 8.5/10. 

 More after the Jump
   Episode 12B: L is for Love 

          Lincoln calls an emergency sibling meeting.  There's a a love letter addressed to L.Loud.  Here's something fun, everyone in the house except for Rita is L Loud. If they weren't this plot wouldn't happen.  Lori thinks the letter is from Bobby so, you won't get mad at her after watching "Study Muffin" because you have nothing better to do than get mad at a drawing. (cut, we need to regroup here, too much anger)  

        Now the episode uses montages (because I say this alot for this show) with each character having a love interest. (Because science)  Some of these love interests feel like they are the same personality as the main characters because reasons.   I do like that they have Leni going for a more short and thick guy that's very nice to show she's more than just appearances.  (Hey where's Rocky, you wasted my time!)  Also confused on how there's now there a second genius kid in kindergarten, like what?  Oh look they gave Lincoln a love interest, we'll probably never see again because  again reasons.  Lilly likes her Teddy Bear, so she thinks her Teddy Bear writes letters to her alright then. It's sweetness level 100 there. 

        (To offer a counterpoint, maybe having the characters have someone who has a shared trait makes some sense because they have something in common to open the door with)  Their plan is is send a signal to the one they like. More montage. There's also a running gag for Lisa not being able to read the minutes for the last meeting because formality is dead. 

       A second later comes and there's a red rose in there. ( We're watching the Bachelor now)  The next letter mentions brown hair meaning everyone but Lisa, Luan,Luna and Lynn are out.  This episode shows a softer side to Luna as she's worried her crush wouldn't like her.   Lynn gave  a boy her jockstrap. (I'm calling the police) Most of this montage is just boys being tortured  in funny ways.  
     A third letter shows up,  and it's mentions a love of all things British and everyone thinks it's Luna.   (PAUSE)  This episode could have gone into in fighting and stuff, but it didn't and nice to see the siblings support the others in the love journey.  It's a nice touch.  

    The true answer is their parents the letters were for the father , Lynn Loud Sr.  He fits the description with brown hair, love of British stuff, and his name starting with L.  I do like the parents having such a sweet relationship. We get some backstory to their love as well.  Dang it episode you get 2 pts just for that awesomeness. 

      Luna decides to take some charge and tells her siblings they should go their interests. So the siblings all do as such.  There's also reveal they were keeping hidden that Luna was crushing on a girl named Sam, they kept it abstract through the episode where Sam was always in a group and the name Sam keeps it hidden.  It's a nice reveal and touch.   

     This is a fine episode, it was also a popular episode for an assortment or reasons. We have seen some of the interests come back (though not Skippy, so society has fallen) (Poor Paige) Its a nice message where you if you like someone take the risk and tell them, it might work out well.  I give it 9/10.   

 That's it for now, tune in next time when we get fined for cursing on the internet some how. 
