The Casagrandes Season 1: Episode 8: Flee Market/ Copy Can't

 The Casagrandes Nickelodeon

    Previously on the Casagrandes,  Make for Room For Daddy. You can read here.

Episode 8A : Flee Market 

     Did you forget that that show is a spinoff of "The Loud House"?  We are here to remind you that this show is a spinoff. Remember that!  In this episode Bobby's girlfriend is Lori and they are going to have a dinner to celebrate the first time they had pizza together because that's what people do. (It's true)  Bobby wants have his grandfather, Hector, take care of the Mercado so he can go to Royal Woods and have this date.  There's a convention going on and Hector is going to that, so Bobby has to find someone else.  In this case, it's Ronnie Anne, Carl, and CJ.  Bobby doesn't like this idea so much.
            Bobby wants everything done his way and it seems the others want to goof around. This gives him fair reason to be worried, because they didn't show him that they were up to it. At the same time, he goes through constantly calling them to have everything done his way. (Also this show promotes and anti-walnut agenda!)   He even has secret cameras to spy on everyone, until Ronnie Anne figures it out.   (Big Brother was watching, literally)

             The Loud House, the house, the main star of the Loud House, (can't have the Loud House without the house) appears in the episode as Bobby drives to Lori's house. she's all ready for the date. Bobby is stuck in his worries.  Also, it's very easy to drive from Royal Woods to Great Lakes City in this episode, because PLOT CONVENIENCE.  Bobby decides to change the plans and have Pizza in GCL because he wants to check on the store first. (man needs to let it go)  He goes back to the store, and why is the trout out in the open like that? Close this store down! 

     Ronnie Anne and cousins get mad at Bobby and walk out and he doesn't want to close the store and  tries to go back and forth between his date and the store. (This never works ever in any show it never works!)   Lori gets mad that Bobby kept leaving and finds him with his other lover, the Mercado. (Whoa)  He explains what's wrong, and Lori tells something that clears his head.  He gets his sister and cousins back to the store after apologizing.  Also, it's daytime, what kind of Pizza places closes in daytime? Also, it's a whole dang city, there's not One open, what the heck?

        They have pizza on the roof because apparently, this is the city the sleeps before it's dark.  The date goes well, besides birds.

           They have continued Bobby's care for the store and he established a system for the store and things. It is funny to see how over the top Bobby goes , and slightly annoying at the same time.  Lori was a shining star in the episode and it was really nice to show how much she understands and it was the best touch of this episode.  Ronnie, Carl, and CJ didn't really show Bobby that they were at least paying attention to what Bobby wanted; otherwise, he might have been less wary. Though, the plot would be way different.  It's alright episode I give it 7/10.

 More after the Jump

   Episode 8b: Copy  Can't    
      This family has a baby too.   We haven't really seen the baby in this show, Carlitos ,so this episode gives him some focus.  So anyway,  he likes copying others because baby, and yet, he won't copy Ronnie Anne; which puts her in a bad spirit.  She worries that maybe the baby doesn't like her.    Her plan is to take him around and see if he'll copy her.  He even copies Sid.  Part of this episode is Ronnie Anne's interesting attempts at getting the baby to like her.

           Carl suggests bribery. (Which is why he'll be governor in the future) Ronnie Anne tries this and it doesn't work. What does work is Ronnie Anne getting hit by stuff so, now he copies her.  He becomes very attached to Ronnie Anne. Very attached.  Like not leaving her side and not letting her sleep (she looks dead now)  Ronnie Annie gets an idea , and Sid dresses Bobby like Ronnie Anne to distract Carlitos. It works because good thing babies aren't that bright. (Yeah we said it ,come at us!)  Ronnie Anne and Sid are in a go cart contest and this is on TV and Carlitos figures out that this is not Ronnie Anne and finds her at the race. He rode a dog. (We might take back that that not very bright thing)

       Thanks to Carlitos getting  bored by his toy whale, she gets the idea to become so annoying he'll get bored of her.  This also works.

    This is a good episode, especially when it's hard to write with focus on a baby (except on Rugrats) and it was nice seeing Ronnie Anne just wanting her littlest cousin to like her. The episode has some fun comedic moments.  One can understand what Ronnie Anne was feeling and it provides a little more insight into her character as well.  A fine episode.  8/10.

Tune in next time when we try and get some sleep.


