The Really Loud House: Season 2: Episode 10: The Other Man With Better Plans

 The Really Loud House  Nickelodeon   

        Episode 10: The Other Man With Better Plans 

            It's a me and the boys episode for Lincoln plus, of course, Clyde, then adding Rusty, Zach, and Liam. This also means no ladies or  Lincoln's dad.  Zia and Lynn have gone away to a soccer thing where cellphones were banned because reasons.  Because this is how people treat their phones in the modern day, it was on for plot fun. Rusty sees that it's on and decides the best plan is to look at the text that pops up. A text from a guy named Chad. [Chad at the Mall] Lincoln tries to resist the urge, but apparently Chad likes to text.  His texts start mentioning things like "not happy with your current situation". Now Lincoln choses to worry.  

        Luan gets a plot where she's fallen for the boy mentioned in "Louds in Love" named Scottie who is part of her mime class. She's not heard him talk [she likes 'em quiet] and not seen his face really because they've only met in mime class.  Lori and Leni are going to help her figure out what he looks like. [Could just ask him]   

        The episode decides to go with "Yes they are idiots aren't they?"  for the boys.  They decide to look up how Chad looks and the episode makes me wonder how often that name is actually used for a kids alive in our century. It does kind of show that Lincoln has an insecurity about himself that he thinks  he could easily lose a girlfriend because of reasons. Though, thinking like that might actually cause him to lose one.  Things are going weird.  Then of thanks to the power of plot they accidently send a text back to Chad.  

          Lori and Leni help Luan try to figure out what Scottie looks like ,but he seems to be like Wilson from "Home Improvement" he seems to hide his face in pictures. They even try to ask Lincoln but he's busy with plot A.   

         Lincoln and the boys decide to confront Chad. The reveal that Chad is a guy who wants to sell phone and give Zia a new plan is funny. The way it's said kind of sounds odd to sell phones, but alright. Lincoln and the boys not knowing this is also funny. The new plan is bring everyone to fight him. 

        The girls' plan is to spray Scottie with a hose. Then we get a weird Beauty and The Beast dream spot with Luan and Scottie. It's mad, but kind of sweet.  She ends up stopping the plan. He tells her he was afraid she wouldn't like how he looked, then he removes his face stuff and he's just some guy. Booo! I wanted him to have something but alright.  But sweet. 

            The silly boys end up going to the mall dressed as tough guys to take on Chad. Then they realize they were stupid. Ah, yes they are idiots.  They end up having to get new phone plans themselves because of the whole dumping cow uhh stuff on him.  

        This episode was silly a very silly one.  Probably one that expects one not to take it too seriously.  I don't. It's a goofy episode, it does make our characters look like idiots, but it has a charm. The Luan plot was a little weird, but had a sweet message and result.  I give 7.6/10. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we tell convince you to switch to Sprint Mobile, which doesn't exist anymore. 
