The Loud House: Season 7: Episode 19: Beg Borrow and Steele/ There Will be Mud

 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

Episode 19a: Beg Borrow and Steele 

        Lincoln has fallen for the great scam of mystery boxes  and  there's one he wants : the rarest one which also happens to be the main character of the David Steele series : David Steele. Of course it's the rarest one , somehow the main character is the rarest one.  The store owner's daughter who is at the cashier stand decides to work with Lincoln's addiction to suggest he go in to debt to get a buy another box when he finds out this box was once again the not one he wanted. (uhhhh)  

        He goes to Lola to borrow money.  She makes a contract, a sign he should really have been patient. The classic don't read a contract thing too.  Lincoln then goes further into debt over a toy. It's like watching a guy with a gambling addiction. Then he finally does end up finding one. The fun part about loans and debt (this part is brought to you by Wachovia) is that you have to pay it back or declare bankruptcy, I guess.  Lola wants her debt paid now. Of course, Lincoln doesn't have the money or he wouldn't have been asking in the first place and that means he has to do something else: work off his debt. (This part is brought to you by corporations) 

        Then Lincoln taunts God, and he messes up a dress that now Lola can't return and breaks some glass thing she just bought and says she'll be working for him for a long time. Lincoln begs to his sisters to help him pay off the debt. But then he'll just owe them.  He paid for debt with debt... oh great Lincoln is doing that too. (this part is paid for by Washington Mutual) This is very stupid. 

            Now Leni, Lynn, Lisa, Lily (why?) and Lucy want their bet paid. Also dropping hints is a thing that they should have just asked him. Now he has to work for them.  Then it ends up a point where they all fight to have him, but we don't have long left in the episode so... um finish this?  He decides that he will sell his collection but then of course (of course!) he's told it's useless and and that means he'll give him the one thing he got into debt for in the first place.  Then the episode saves Lincoln's skin by having Kara, the comic book store daughter, find that one toy that Lincoln thought was strange and useless and it being worth something. 

         A stable episode that apparently wants to show the power debt and being careful with your money or something.  It hits the beats well without making anything seem to annoying or over the top in how it does it.   If this was an episode that felt like a season 1 reject or was one, it would have felt different and gone differently.  It gives Lincoln a nice win and pulls something that was brought up earlier to make it work, so it's not random. 

         This is a good episode to a point, I like that it turned from just a Lola as his one person he owes debt to a few other sisters to show how far the hole he went.  Lola's role fit well to the point where it make sense and not going too far to be seen as overtly mean, same with the other sisters.  There were some alright stuff too, not a lot of funny stuff here either. It felt the most slice of life of Loud House episodes in a while.    7/10. 

More after the jump 

Episode 19b: There Will Be Mud

            A Hunnicutt focused episode let's go! I do have to dock something it's like the peanut butter in the fridge thing where this time it's Liam having milk just sitting out for sale, doesn't seem refrigerated and he said it's a hot day, so.... (If you're new here, this is a thing we do)  It's farm weekend and Liam and his meemaw are doing some work when they've struck oil. I guess they are moving to Beverly Hills.  Woah episode slow the heck down, because the next scene is the two of them moving because apparently being rich means that.  

            They have moved to a new neighborhood with the rich people and there's a typical rich guy stereotype who is there to be  annoyed by them. The other rich people seem bothered by how these two don't seem to fit their bill of being rich. Liam figures out that they aren't being beloved and decide to visit the McBrides for help to be more fitting with the rich people. 

               We already know that the McBrides spend money on random stuff that people don't need. They learn how to speak correctly and act more not themselves. The Hunnicutts have invited their neighbors over to impress them and have the McBrides over to help.  

            Silly episode doesn't know that rich people like to party hard and do weird things. (They can't show  that in this kind of show)  Liam sees his old animal friends and tells them he's sorry that they have to be out there. He also accidently leaves the door open. The party seems to have gone well, but then Liam sees that the animals have come the house.  Then havoc started. 

             The two of them feel like they want their old life and are moving back to their farm.   They up and leave, as one does. 

        It was interesting a Hunnicutt/ Liam episode seems to go with a plot idea that's been done but does its own thing with it.  There's no Liam and his grandma getting caught up in being rich and losing themselves and there's not a big money changes people plot.  Instead the idea is the friendliest people you ever meet want to be friendly with new people and feel they had to fit in to be with people.   

       It's not a wow episode, but it flows well and very enjoyable. It works with Liam being himself and his Meemaw being herself and keeping them in character and their honesty down to their own selves. I do feel the episode didn't explain why the Hunnicutts, or Meemaw really, felt it made sense to move, besides showing the farm with oil pumps, there's really no reason explained why they moved. 

            It was interesting to have the McBrides here and they didn't add alot but didn't detract either. I liked they were thought to show how classy people live.  Liam's charm works here again he scores it's 7.5/10. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we buy a farm... hmm wait not that way. 
