The Loud House: Season 7: Episode 16: An Inspector Falls/ One In a Million

 The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

Episode 16a: An Inspector Falls 

       There's play that Luan and other theatre kids are doing, and the lead read role of Agatha Mystery (really now?) has gone to Luan and  Shannon wanted to be the lead but wasn't cast and she says this, so I wonder if this comes in play somehow in the future of the episode. Benny is the corgi (he seemed to happy to be a missing dog) and Amy is Gertrude. Then a real life mystery happens because something tried to take out Amy?  The teacher says Luan has natural detective skills, that we've never been shown before. (Gonna be one of those episodes) 

                Amy says she has many enemies and they decide to check out the janitor.  Ed has been cleared apparently, and then they check out Shannon, who also gets cleared.  They have no leads. Amy's boyfriend, Rex (who names their kid Rex) is apparently the guy who did it. He wanted her to quit to spend more time with each other.  That went too quickly.  

     Wait, that's it ! Let's get out of here,  It was ... oh there's more time huh? Ok.  Mrs. Bernardo has decided to let Amy get the main role  taking Luan out of it because reasons.  Luan notices something like Adrian Monk.   Luan notices that Rex and Amy didn't actually break up.  Amy created a fake mystery to get the role.    

              This was an odd time reveal a secret while doing a play. But Luan does get the role back and a new idea comes out , Gertrude is now played by  Shannon (victory), and Amy being demoted to bush. Ed's part he realizes it's stupid to wear overalls made of  materials that are hard to clean  in a school and doing a cleaning job.  

          This was a good episode.  They put some good little twists in there like having it not be Shannon be the reason why, but also throw it in as red-herring nugget and then reward her later too. Luan was pretty fun in this too.  I wasn't sure how it would work with her doing a mystery, it's something we see more of with Lincoln, but it works well here.  Amy's twist was good.

        I liked the fake out mystery reveal and then rest of the episode kept the idea of the mystery too, well done and really fleshed out. Episode rewards rewatching too to see if you can catch anything.  It was fun 8/10.

More after the jump 

Episode 16b: One In A Million 

            A Clincion episode, it's been a while.  Lynn Sr. wonders where all the food is. (Many people do) Lincoln and Clyde have all the food, why? Lincoln tells us (yes, Lincoln ) that Flip has a contest to reward his 1 millionth costumer.  The winner gets to run through the store and grab what they want for 30 seconds to get stuff free. I don't know I wouldn't trust a Flip contest. 

            The tow boys have to wait for 60+ costumers to make it through.  Things are going slow, so they to attract costumers to make sure they can get a to the magic number.  Then an older lady seems to get in their way and they end up solving that problem.

             Chandler shows up  (for drama reasons). He sees the very old paper that Lincoln has about the millionth costumer thing. Clyde takes him out with a boomerang. (he took him out with a TV channel) The episode becomes a Looney Tunes episode of the two them fighting back and forth.   But it looks like Chandler will win. 

            We also have like 4 minutes left? What?  Chandler becomes the millionth costumer. As I said before, don't trust a Flip contest. Nacho, the racoon overheard the boys earlier and this made Flip remove all the stock from the store therefore making the contest moot. Don't trust Flip. (dumb)  Chandler was right to call Flip out. 

        The episode does give Clyde and Lincoln a win since he noticed that they did send business his way, he'll let them grab as much they want in 10 seconds.  They were able to clean the store out in 10 seconds. (neat) 

            This was a pretty fun episode. I don't think Chandler was in the wrong in this episode in the way where the contest was once public knowledge and anyone had the right to be the millionth paying customer. But he did go at it the wrong way to a point.  Lincoln and Clyde did move a woman and she didn't get to make her purchase so.... Again being Flipped did make sense and plays into Flip's character. I did like that Flip did reward Lincoln and Clyde later since they did help him get more costumers that day.  So it was a good ending as well. 

         This was a really fun episode, I liked how it twist and turned and didn't just go straight line and have the two end up not being the customers. I also liked how Chandler's role worked in here and how the whole Lincoln and Clyde helping bring in customers helped out the ending.  This was also a strong episode. 8/10. 

That's it for now,  tune in next time, when we find out the millionth reader, and there's no prize or anything so... hmm. 


