The Really Loud House: Season 1: Episode 20: Little-ol-lady-whoooo Has Talent

 The Really Loud House Nickelodeon 

Episode 20: Little-ol-lady-whoooo Has Talent

             The big day (you can't say Super Day , you'll get sued) for the Louds apparently. Lynn Sr. wants to beat a family called The Torkelsons. Which I'm not sure why he wants to beat a 1990's sitcom, but I guess it would be hard to beat the family from a longer running sitcom.  There's a Royal Woods Talent competition and he's bothered by the Torkelson man rubbing his medals in his face- figuratively. Also Torkelson man doesn't live in the neighborhood and that's weird. 

         I'm going to mention here that the episode decides to pick up the old and dead and old (yes he wrote it that way) thing of Lincoln saying he doesn't have a talent like his sisters which is again is old and dead. That does make this episode a bit weak thanks to that, but I will add it doesn't become a long drawn out thing to take over the entire episode, but there are better ideas they could have done than dredging that up again. That's a negative towards the episode so I'm taking off an instant 0.5pts. 

            Though part of me feels they were kind of making fun of that idea too, just by having it be Lynn Sr. calling his daughters by their talents.  I do enjoy the presentation of it though he was putting his all in that.  Again, I'm not going to be hard on the talent thing since the episode starts on that.  

        I also found it kind of funny that the McBrides just enter the house to sing like this is Valarie/The Hogan Family and they are the neighbor lady that shows up because why not?  Meanwhile, let's look at the Loud girls are doing.  For those that know you can figure what like Luna is doing for the talent show, and what Leni is doing. Luan does have a little spice to her plot where she wants to hide Mr. Coconuts so she's not tempted to use him for her performance.  Lucy seems very eager to destroy him, like she's seen the shows and knows. (She knows)  Lucy isn't allowed to because reason.  Up next, Lola is doing a twirling dance routine because  that's what Lola does. (She kind of does) They also set up that the twins can read each other's minds and know what the other needs, this will come into play later.  Also, Lana doesn't seem to be doing anything for the talent show. (She can fix a 1995 Ford Explorer on the stage, do it!) 

        The more random thing is that Lisa is going for the beauty pageant part of the talent show. Why is there a show in a show?  I don't know.   Lisa decides to have done a new look where she's not wearing glasses, and has long blonde hair. I will add that this how the actress that plays Lisa in this series actually looks so, that's how they are able to pull it off.  Lori is apparently very interested in this, because reasons that'll come up... nevermind, she was once in the thing herself.  I find it interestingly bold [before I get to why Lisa is doing this] that they went with Lisa doing a beauty pageant instead of Lola route.  The real reason why Lisa wants to win is to kill the beauty pageant by saying they are bad. 

Science is strange / Copyright Paramount 

        Lincoln decides he's going to do yodeling because it's the only thing with competition. Therefore, there will be competition that's how this works.  There's even more (act now!) Clyde decides to also join because reasons.... (That's how yodeling works it grabs people in) Show is having fun with yodeling and uses the song Hocus Pocus by Focus. (They dug deep for music here) 

        Lola has been locked in a closet by a competitor named Amber Fitzpatrick.   Remember when I said... anyway Lincoln and Clyde have competition because ...well you already knew that was going to happen. Lynn Sr. gets to co-host the talent show, because Harold McBride is out of the picture. (Did Lynn Sr. kill him?)  I'm also going to remove like 0.5pts for some of the gross things that happen. 

         Lana has run to save Lola like Lassie  and she also took out Lola's competition. (Did Lana murder someone?)   I do like how Luan was able to do some stand up and making jokes about the family having that one bathroom.  In the Lisa part, I like how Lori was hands off on Lisa's pageant stuff, while taking an interest, she supported Lisa's decisions.  It also is sweet when Lisa figures out that Lori competed and won this even and she decides to modify her speech. She gives a nice shoutout to Lori. Well done. 

    Leni made an interesting outfit for Luna to perform in. (It's a box) I like how the two parts tied together well here. Clyde and Lincoln decide to get over their fears of Thor Torkelson  and decide to work together and do Yodeling and rap combo. Then there's  a whole Loud family... and Clyde, do a dance number.   Also the Loud kids swept the show. 

    Lynn Sr. decides to take the family to gloat about their win, by finding the Torkelsons to do it.  

        This episode was fine to a point, it didn't try to hang on too long on the Lincoln hasn't won a trophy thing, which was for the best. Lynn Sr. was a lot of fun here, it was fun to see him host the talent show and I think he had a point about  really wanting to win since the Torkelson man was being weird.  Lisa's part was a surprise plot idea and it was interesting, they've gone for surprisingly out of the box things for Lisa. There were some funny moments, like the yodeling montage scene. The twin bond with the "twin-tuition" was sweet. I liked Lori's role here too. I give the episode 7.7/10. 


     This was the finale of the season, yeah season.  In short, I think this was a good adaptation of the animated series. The sets and acting were good matches to the source material, this sounds weird to say to call the Loud House a source material.  I do like how they did take the character's and gave them their own little spin whilst using the bases of them as a launching point.  It's good that the series is not a 1:1 adaptation of the animated series, it's good to let them stand on their own way.   I do think if you missed the main series doing episodes heavily focused in the Loud House- the house, you might enjoy this.  I do like the direction of the main series expanding beyond just Loud Family in the house, but this series did some  nice things with sibling interactions and did ones the other series hasn't really done (as of this writing)   I think it played to a strength it found especially as the episodes went on.  I do like how it found ways include Clyde as very much an honorary Loud.

        I think some weakness were it did some redundant  plots were like Lincoln and Clyde have a friendship problem, Some of the Charlie stuff was awkward, not a bad idea, just some parts badly done, but I guess young love is badly done. (What?) I think the plots were pretty interesting in many of the episodes. I liked how they could do different side plots and sometimes even have them come together. It was nice it wasn't a laugh track show and had a mixture of comedy, serious, light, and heart moments.  I think it turned out well.  

        That's it for now , tune in next time when we wonder does it hurt to change your face? 

