The Really Loud House Nickelodeon
Episode 15: Home is Where The Hero is
I'm going to say that this episode's plotline with Lincoln (and Clyde) and Lynn Sr. goes where I expect it go. Lincoln wants to write about his hero, that being Rip Hardcore, for a contest that would let them spend a day with the man. Lynn Sr. did think it was going to be about him, and yeah that's how that works. Lynn Sr. spends the episode where he does everything to help. I also really liked how he came in to spend time doing Rip Hardcore stuff with Lincoln and Clyde when the guy doesn't even show up. This part of the plot was sweet and I liked how he was fueled in jealously or some stock way the plot could have gone, and the end part where Lincoln reads about his father being his hero on the Rip Hardcore show was a nice finish. Yeah, it's not the strongest thing if you've seen this kind of plot, but it does pay off well.
The second plot of the episode is about Rita wanting to get a massage but then something happens, of course. Leni needs help finding her sunglasses, because they are like important and stuff. This plot wasn't the best one in this episode, and kind of the weakest. I wanted to Rita to get her massage, she puts her work into her family and deserves it. It was kind of annoying that Leni really needed her mom to help look, but didn't seem to get bothered that Lynn and Lori- more on them soon- didn't continue do it. There were some alright funny moments of Leni finding everything, but yeah, this plot is kind of sour. I do at least like that Leni did give Rita a massage later, that at least helped things a bit. Rita having the sunglasses was kind of a nice touch to the part where Rita was sorting laundry and stuff from her kids' pockets.
Lori and Lynn are a duo the main show really hasn't touched upon together at all, so this one was a nice touch. Lori had come home from golf college, because she was scared of an upcoming match. Just like current golfer here. Anyway, I like that Lynn finds out from a call, and decides to motivate the eldest sister into getting back into the swing, literally. I liked how this part went and was the most interesting part of the episode. It was fun to see the two sisters who play a sport , golf included, work together. I wasn't expecting it, so it was even a nice touch there. Probably the strongest part of the episode.
Overall, I think this was an alright episode. To an extent. I don't there was anything that made it bad or overtly awful. There was some fun to enjoy like seeing Lincoln , Clyde and Lynn Sr. doing stuff together and Lynn Jr. and Lori having great moments. So yeah, it was alright, and I didn't dislike the total Rita plot, it wasn't bad, but it was kind of weak comparatively. So yeah, I give it 7.6/10.
That's it for now, tune in next time, when we find what we're looking for... whatever that was.
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