The Really Loud House: Season 1: Episode 9: Heart and Soul

 The Really Loud House  Nickelodeon 

        Episode 9: Heart and Soul 

            This episode sets up it's main core plots pretty early and pretty well. Liam had made video of himself flying 39 feet into a haybale so Lincoln wants to beat the record with 40 feet. Rita notices that some of the kids are taking too long to get up as she's on morning duty and we found out that Lynn Sr. was on night duty and was watching a program with the younger Louds meaning Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa and he decides to let them stay up a little longer. This sets up an argument between Rita and Lynn Sr.  This causes the younger Louds to feel a little bad, but they also like the idea of seeing how the arguments play out especially when one part is  they special treats from their father making lunches. There's one more part where Luna is trying to get her song to be more noticed. She's upstaged by some girl named Kiki Carlyle, who is popular on a  thing called Clik Clok. (And for me having to write anything having to do with tik tok including this , minus 1pt for that) .

       I like how this series is doing something I really haven't seen in the animated series: having the little younger Louds have plot together as a group, it's always been right there and glad at least this series is doing it.  The parents getting into genuine fight is also something not seen much in the animated series. I like how it's not a really a shout fest, but a long disagreement that feels natural to these characters.  There's also the dynamic of the younger Louds knowing how all their parents arguments seem to go which will set up a twist on it later on. (Maybe I should be concerned on how often their parents argue enough that they know how this always works out) 

            Lincoln and Clyde's plot and Luna's end up being similar: they both want to be noticed and have some acknowledgement. Anyway the boy duo's plot also crashes into Rita and Lynn Sr.'s plot where Lynn Sr. went out  and was about to get this fight over with, Lincoln tells Rita  about his plan to get slingshot of a window and fly 40 feet, she hates it, but he says his father already said it was OK. Clyde digs it further by saying that Lynn Sr. said don't tell mom. (ooh no)  Then she storms off and is angry now. 

      Lisa doesn't like the app (I knew that's why she's my favorite sister)  but does give Luna some advice on how to get her video of her song to do well.  She tries to make a video that has everything the internet might like. She also doesn't want Lincoln and Clyde around her. They are bored after Rita banned them from trying their dangerous stunt and Lincoln thinks up an idea He and Clyde end up climbing a ladder and appearing behind Luna in her video, doing goofy stuff before they fell down. 

        Lynn Sr. comes home and finds some of his stuff thrown out on the porch and he decides to eat the treat he usually gets for Rita during an argument and that means 6 more weeks of argument, not really, but you get what I mean.  The littler Louds are surprised, since they didn't know how Lincoln and Clyde kind of messed up the  whole stages thing.  Luna tells Lincoln how she felt and then he apologizes but also mentions that he disappointed he couldn't do his stunt and had to think up another plan. Luna then says he always has a plan and it cuts to when they were younger and Lincoln is trying to get attention after everyone was impressed by Liam. (I don't know why this version of the show is trying to make Liam a rival or something, but ok then) The younger Luna shows younger Lincoln how to play "Heart and Soul" on the piano. (roll credits)  He talks about how much fun it always was, but she says she was a serious musician. 

        Luna finds out how her video is doing well and it's because of Lincoln and Clyde showing up. (Also, um someone thinks that internet videos fast forward makes a sound like VHS tape? what? Minus 0.1pts)  Rita tells Lynn Sr, that she doesn't like not being seen as the popular parent. It's an interesting view in their family dynamic and that sometimes Rita has to be the more harsher hand.  Anyway, Lucy, Lana, Lola, and Lisa work together in helping their parents to stop fighting. (Also, Lisa could you give me free cable channels?) It's really sweet to see the parents make up.  

        At the end, Lincoln was trying to show Lilly how to play Heart and Soul and Luna shows up to say she realized that music should be fun.  Then they play the song together , Lynn and Rita sing and the younger Louds join in and it's a nice ending.  

        The episode theme really is the idea of heart and soul. The parents have a genuine disagreement and I appreciate it's not over the top and angry, but too serious to be too real, it was very well done. I think it was sweet of the little Louds to help and fix something they had part in causing. I like the dynamic of Rita and Lynn Sr. being Rita being worried that Lynn Sr. tries too hard to be popular with the kids that she has to play the bad guy and she wants her kids to know she loves them too. I love how their relationship is shown where they always do make up because they love each other.  I loved the interaction the younger sisters too, it was really nice.  

    I like the message for Luna that she should remember she loves music because it is fun, and that she shouldn't lose that focus even if she's trying to be serious and make it big. Lincoln and Clyde's stuff was fun and found fun ways for them to mesh with the plots. It also shows he sometimes does without thinking fully but didn't intend to harm. He cares about Luna and it was interesting to see him kind of taken back when he thought she didn't really like playing along with him.   Nice use of the 1938 song Heart and Soul by Frank Loesser and Hoagy Carmichael so  like 0.2 pts added for that. (listen)

       This is overall a nice episode I give it 7.5/10.

 That's it for now tune in next time when I see what one embrace can do. 



