The Really Loud House: Season 1: Episode 7: The Guy Who Makes You Fly

 The Really Loud House   Nickelodeon 

            Episode 7: The Guy Who Makes You Fly 

          I like that this episode went for a concept the animated series really didn't touch on, the idea of having someone be Lincoln at his house for a bit. They did something close with Clyde, but that was more  the intention of Clyde trying to learn how to be an older sibling when he thought he was going to be having a new younger sibling.  This is an episode where Clyde is thrown in the 'job' of Lincoln trying to maintain things at The Loud House.  

                 It starts with Lincoln and Clyde leaving school with Clyde talking about a sleepover with Lincoln when Lincoln tells him he's going on vacation to take a break from his family.  He says that being the man with the plan sometimes gets exhausting. Clyde wonders what he's talking about and thinks what could be so hard? Also Clyde apparently was born 2 minutes ago and never knew Lincoln until now. (Yeah, something negative has to be said about this really good episode)  It turns in a challenge idea where Clyde gets to take Lincoln's spot. If Clyde can do it (he will not) Lincoln will do Clyde's sleep over stuff. 

            The little things in this episode are also fun. Lincoln's fourth wall powers turn over to Clyde when they make the deal.  The part where Lincoln tries to talk the 4th wall after that the mail man can hear him. Those are some nice touches. Clyde also gets to do fourth wall breaking things after this, it's a nice touch. 

        Time for Clyde to help some sisters. Clyde is a thoughtful logical (mostly) character and so he's trying to do that here with the Louds. So there was some stuff being set up before the Clyde takes over  part started, like how Lynn was trying to get all her trash talk out before a game because her coach said to stop.  Clyde thinks the best idea is to throw compliments so that'll throw the other team off more and Lynn starts aggressively complimenting people.   Luna is working on  a song and Clyde decides to help. Clyde decides to find away to help her by introducing conflict, by having Rita get at mad at Luna. Which is also funny.  Leni has a boyfriend named Chase who seems to be very buddy-ish with her father. This bothers Leni. (I'm glad has inherited Lincoln's exposition powers)  Clyde gives advice to Leni that she should be direct and honest with Chase about her thoughts about him being too close to her father and not focusing on her. (Gee I wonder what will go wrong)

            Luna screams out Clyde's name and it turns out Luna's song didn't go over so well because nobody likes her song about putting the cap back on the toothpaste. Later, Leni is mad at Clyde since his advice made Chase break up with her. This also makes Lynn Sr. sad too. Thanks to a delivery showing up, Clyde finds out that Lincoln's vacation just means he hides out in the attic. Apparently Lincoln tells his family he needs a break and going to his Aunt Ruth's cabin but goes there instead, because sure. 

         Lincoln says he felt a little bad that Clyde said he could be the man with the plan it bothered him, but he also says that Clyde is the person he calls when something goes wrong, he needs help.  Lincoln and Clyde then end up working together to fix some of the problems. It is fun to see them work together and work flaws with their ideas.   We get a Luna song that's a better song and a nice solution to the Lynn Sr./Leni/ Chase problem. 

             I think this episode was really good, I liked the concept. They could have gone with bad ideas for the plot  and I'm glad they chose and idea that was really good. The idea of Clyde taking Lincoln's place and having some problems was entertaining. This was a really strong and entertaining episode, as of this writing, was the best of this series and brings  nice fun strength to it.   This is a plot the animated series should have done, but the length and pacing of this series lets it breath more.  I loved this episode, it had a nice charm and flow to it.  I'm giving it 9/10. 
