The Loud House: Season 6: Episode 17: Cheer Pressure/Stroke of Luck

 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

Episode 17a: Cheer Pressure 

        This episode has Lynn, Paula, and Margo playing basketball for the school team, besides some other girls. Anyway the coach of the team is there and she has a massage therapist, and accidently ordered a Kangaroo because of the school team being called the Kangaroos and ended up with that instead of a mascot costume, because that's how that works. 

       This, all this, is there to drive the plot where 3 people (wonder why three?) have to ride in a trailer, attached to the school bus, with the kangaroo because coach wants to ride to the game with her therapist. (all of this sounds what?)  She picks our main three trio because of course.  Lynn takes a offense because she thinks the cheerleaders should have to sit there because as she says "Without the basketball team, they'd have nothing to cheer for"  (football?) Margo adds in and says they aren't real athletes.   (Also the cheerleaders kind of scare me at how timed they are, eek) 

        Now this starts a challenge where Jenna, the head cheerleader, suggests they have a cheer off, and Lynn agrees with the condition that the loser will have to ride in the trailer the rest of the season. (ooh)  The episode turns into the girls trying to practice and become cheerleaders, it doesn't go well. 

    Sherryl and Merryl show up at the burger place to find out  the girls worrying about losing.  So they agree to help train them into cheer leaders. So we get a cheerleading montage, which is a also good way to show how much work it takes to be a cheerleader, so this was a nice touch. The twins bring a fun energy into the episode. 

     It's the competition day. Lynn and her team have gotten the basics of cheers (even doing splits) ,but then the cheerleaders come in and do a much better job. It's a good showing of them of course being better since they have been working on doing it longer. Lynn goes to them and apologizes.  Then Jenna figures that it's wrong that an of them should have to be in the trailer.   

       Thankfully to Jenna's mother, the principal finds out that the coach was using school funds for her therapist so she ends up in the trailer, yet not fired... hmm... 

              This episode , works. It is an interesting plot, since cheerleading as been seen as a competitive sport it it's own right for a while now. There's been movies and shows about cheerleading being a sport. Alright then, it reminds me of a plot where a hockey girl doesn't see figure skating as a sport, something like that. The episode is fun, it's funny how it singles out 3 basketball players that we know the names of already.  Good episode 7.5/10 

More after jump 


Episode 17b: Stroke of Luck 

         The first episode of Lori in golf college (ding) that focuses on her in golf college (ding) without her siblings or her going home.   Also this episode uses a plot they've used before, even just last season with Lisa. "The Loudly Bones".   Here's what  I mean, Lori is golfing (at golf college, ding)  and keeps getting holes in one for 18 holes, which gains her some praise. Then, she realizes the ball is a special ball that Lisa made, and she calls Lisa to find out that the ball goes into the hole because it can sense flags; Lori realizes she didn't really do that then.  Then she tries to tell someone but keeps getting cut off by different people and gifts.  

      She starts to kind of enjoy the 'celeb's stuff, but keeps remembering she has to tell them.  She even has a nightmare where she tells everyone and it goes badly.  She fears telling them so instead decides not to until... (quick until) the coach wants her to demonstrate how she golfs. She ends up having to find the ball, but she finds out it's in the ball wash room and she ends up losing it because the markings got washed off. 

                  This, of course, turns out badly, she tells the truth and makes up for it, by helping those who gave her stuff. 

    The episode is fine for reusing a plot, because Lori makes it work. The golf college is still iffy and it as a setting only lends to them doing apparently golf stuff.  Instead of apparently college stuff, so that's probably why it's been used not so much because they really just want to hammer in the golf. (noo)  So weakness of the episode is that it's plot idea we've seen even in this show, and the golf stuff doesn't help it.  The only thing that really holds the episode is Lori, they kept her balanced enough to really want to tell the truth only to get a little scared and try to hope it would go over but that didn't work and realized she had to tell the truth and did the work at the end.   It's not a bad episode, at all, there's fun in it.  I give it 7/10. 

  That's it for now, tune in next time when challenge Lynn to write the next blog post. 
