The Loud House: Season 6: Episode 6: Save Royal Woods !

 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

         Episode 4:  Save Royal Woods ! 

     The Loud House has grown in the past seasons away from being plots mostly taking place in the house, because there was no way on Earth (and 913 other planets) that they were going to be able to do focused plots all at the house. It has been fun expanding to other characters like Zach, Liam, Chandler, Flip, and the expansive world of the town of Royal Woods as a whole, one of the reasons (of many) why I liked "Zach Attack" is that it shows us the the town.   

     This special is a "save the town" plot the plot where a neighborhood or town is threatened usually by business-y business business business, and that doesn't hurt this special. This special is  not cliché, because the idea of doing this plot is hoping that you, the viewer, will also care enough about the town to want it to be saved. (Even if you know it will be saved)  If anything it's like an expanded version of "Homespun" (season1, episode 26b)  where the characters have an investment in loving their space and don't think it deserves to be torn down. 

          This episode is also a musical, and glad they found away to do a musical without having to focus on Luna, because not everything musical should have to be on just one character.  The start of the special has the town meeting in a mandatory meeting. (Can that be done, just force people to attend a town meeting? What?)   There's a woman named Joyce Crandall, who is from the state.  (Voiced by Christine Baranski) She is there to sell the town a mono... uh 6th great lake and her plan is to wipe out the town.  (What?)  She explains in song, after Luna wonders why Joyce can't just destroy another town. (Wipe out another town, screw them--Luna Loud)  Her explanation is that Royal Woods doesn't have anything impressive about it so wipe it out. (F.... those kids--Joyce said probably) 

          Also weirdly announcing this before doing it, but only a few days seems to be not really state government like, but alright then.  The pacing of the special is pretty good, it doesn't seem to be moving too quickly or bogging down to slowly. The episode is focused as well, there's no town members who like the idea and would rather take the money and leave. (Which is slightly unrealistic but we don't need this special bogged down)) The songs don't seem to be just randomly placed or too close to each other either. 

      Lincoln, being Lincoln, decides to take charge and thinks of an idea to have the town have something remarkable so it won't be torn down.  After some work, they figure out to make to make a really large Flippie. (Also our second song) Joyce shows up and she is convinced but there's still a second half to this special so it has to go wrong and it does... so back to her idea of killing the town. 

 More after the jump 

     [  Hello, Lawyer Steve, here,  if this was really going by the books the town could sue and bring it the courts and at least slow the process down for years like mad men.... anyway that's all I have to say... back to you. ]

             Joyce has decided to move up the date and time to wipe out the town. Lincoln has a second idea.  History.  The town is apparently not named after you know woods, because it's right there, could have said that but no it's named after an oak tree. (Please scroll down to kill rant) 

             The new plan is to lie and hope that Joyce isn't me.(What?)  Lincoln pretends to be old time British guy and tries to show her old time Royal Woods about King George III coming to Michigan in the 1700's loving an area so much that named in Royal Woods. That's how you know it's a lie.  Until 1763, Michigan was French land, they lost  during the Seven-Years-War to the United Kingdom. In 1763, King George III did the proclamation of 1763 that forbade western expansion to keep British- Native American trading smooth. Also King Geroge III never set foot in the Americas during his reign.  (Mychiller TV Loud House posts come for the Loud House and stay for the history course ) 

            This turns into our third song. (It has rap, including Lisa rap)   Joyce believes the story (because of course she wood) until the crown she picks up is one of Lola's fancy crown.  (We also get a robot butt joke , what?)  Anyway Lincoln thinks up one final idea, the town is about the people who live there and how important that is to an area.  I like this part it shows the investment in the characters and town... also Lisa really could have mentioned the oil earlier. 

         This works when the construction workers decide to quit and thanks to the power of television she gets fried because it was live TV which is odd, but let's get this over with. 

           This special is good, there's a nice flow to it and brings in some of that town goodness to it. The idea of saving a small town from destruction because of reasons is also good. I think this was a fine Loud House special and did it's job well. The songs were alright, not wow, but not bad. The pacing was good and it didn't feel like it needed to be longer or shorter either.  I give it  8/10   

                 That's it for now,  tune in next time when we reduce the amount of Great Lakes to 3 to make a cool new motocross course!  

