The Loud House: Season 6: Episode 13: Cat-astrophe/Prize Fighter

 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

 Episode 13a: Cat-Astrophe 

          It's a McBrides episode...oh... and finally one where the plot isn't Clyde's Dads being overbearing and learning to let go a little, because that seemed to be the plots they seemed to pick for the McBrides.  First there's a cat graduation party because umm reasons?  (Also the Mrs. Bernado parts bug me for some reason, so minus 0.2pts)  This is where Harold finds out he remembered to throw a party for cats having a graduation from some cat school , but forgot his  own mother's birthday, the woman who gave birth to him, and loved him, and raised him, but he remembered the cats. (that's right, we guilt trip cartoon cartoons characters, and we'll guilt trip you next, if need to ) 

   Nana Gayle calls and wonders when they are coming over for her birthday, thus causing our plot.  They have to plan a party in less than a few hours. How will this go?  What do you think? It is nice to see the dads screwing up here and the family having to work on trying fix a problem.  This past party doesn't work because of course not.  All the party stuff is out because Sheryl and Meryl (who must be stealing money from somewhere, there's no way they have that much money from being school sectaries), Lola bought up the cakes, Luan is busy because of Lola's party too. (Lola holds a tight grip on Royal Woods, she's the don) 

      They decide to take the cat party and move it to Nana Gayle and make it a Nana Gayle party. (Gee, thanks, Son, I fought in the war for you! And you give me a cat party!) How does this work out?  Gayle seems to not mind and takes their answers about why there's some random cat stuff as "eh alright". Also Loud House perpetuates that cats drink milk, and I'm shamed that they would, when you shouldn't and so minus 0.7pts. Scoots is right about the party, but Gayle seems to like the stuff going on. (She is a grandma she might have liked a card with macaroni, don't look at me like that) 

         Then things fall apart after Scoots and her boyfriend have been hoarding cats in their room.  Nana Gayle forgives them. Later they come home to the scene for "The Ten Commandments" where Moses.. there's a cat party ,  I'm going to bed.    

     The episode was alright, I'm happy they found a different plot for the McBrides to have besides the parents needing to calm down from being too much into Clyde's life.  It's alright episode there are some good moments.  I give 7/10.  Don't give your adult cats milk.. 


More after the jump 

Episode 13b : Prize Fighter 

     This is a Lola episode, it's sadly not about Lola becoming a boxer. (Stops playing Redemption from the Rocky II soundtrack)   This about Lola and pageant stuff, kind of... you see Lola figures out that Sheryl isn't Sheryl, but Meryl because Lola remembers how they smell. (what?)   Meryl is working on the Minnie McFiggle For Lifetime Achievement for Pageantry. Lola wants this award . One of the keys to win is community service, so Lola goes to commit community service. 

       Lola does what a Lola does and sets up fake community service  to impress the three judges who are judging.   Hello, what's this? Oh, yeah, that's convenient though, alright, Lola then overhears two girls who happen to be talking about the contest and how Lola is a shoe-in for the award, but (big but) they throw in something: they say that the winner of this award never wins again. (Because they are then executed?)   Thus, this means that Lola must change tact.

       Lola decides to un-impress the judges. The plot convenience girls show up again and are able to drop information that Lola isn't in the lead now some girl named Diana Sherwood is now in top lead.  Then Cricket shows up (she didn't die in the snake after all) and from Cricket she finds out that the two girls before didn't get cursed, one became an astronaut and  the other became the youngest mayor in a town in North Dakota. (what?)  

      Now Lola decides to re-impress the judges, but she bumps into Diana Sherwood. Remember Lola didn't know about the award, was there thinking Diana does.  Diana is doing work because she loves it.  (Umm hey show, why do you have pageant girls wear pageant clothes while not in pageant, why?)  Lola figures out that Diana isn't trying to impress the judges.  In a sweet moment, she decides to talk to the judges that she thinks Diana is good choice and that she hasn't been doing a good job. The episode ends with Lola doing more candy striper work. She does get an award , the Golden Bed Pan award.

      This  a good  episode, I think it's a little more fun as a Lola does community service episode over the other one she did. It was pretty well done, had some funny moments, but also shows Lola's understanding that she wasn't doing the service because she wanted to , she was doing it because she wanted to win and was willing to let Diana take it because Diana was being earnest. The better part of the ending is that she goes back and does work on her own accord. I don't they needed to give her an award at the end, even though it's not the same one, I think it would have been better with out, but that's my only problem. I give it  8.5/10  

   That's it for now, tune in next time when your mother finds out you spend more on your cat's birthday party than hers...  
