The Loud House : Season 5: Episode 25: Appetite for Destruction/ Frame on You (Now with Season 5 Thoughts!)

 The Loud House  Nickelodeon 


Episode 25a : Appetite for Destruction 

         The episode starts with cheese, Lynn Sr. has gotten a large unnecessary amount of cheese and that will actually play into the plot of the episode. The episode gets into it's plot where Lilly is acting up and the parents are concerned about why she's not acting like she normally does.  They decide that the reason their daughter is acting out is other children at her preschool. (They of course wouldn't blame themselves, shameful really) Also, you will notice the cheese showing up a few times through this episode, including Lilly eating it. (This episode is funded by big diary) 

       The parents decide to have Leni spy on Lilly at the preschool to find out who the bad kid is, and the episode kind of shows that Lily is the bad influence, not the other way around, but thanks to Leni's report and the parents not thinking the factor is Lilly herself, decide the best idea is to find a kid who's proper and have them hang out with Lilly. (Well then) 

        The best way to do that is to spy on babies (don't do this) there's also a running gag of the parents insulting their other kids twice for a joke, not a good joke either. (hey! that was going to be my line)   They find some baby who speaks with a British accent (a  BBC British accent, not one you'd hear in like London or Yorkshire)  I'm going to be taking points off anyway, but let's start here, with the diaper thing uh minus 0.7pts for that.  Anyway back to British baby who can speak full sentences like he's Lisa's long lost brother or a clone she made.  Anyway, it goes as expected  where the parents hear a loud noise and  Aiden tells the parents that Lilly is bad girl and she beats him up. (More cheese) Minus 0.5pts for too much dang cheese. 

       They also do imagine spots  where an older Lilly is an edge lord twice and nice once. (The parents have a weird imagination. )  Good thing there's only about 1:15 left in the episode. This is were it gets worse, The stupid cheese does play into the plot , stupidly, the idea that Lilly is constipated from the cheese. That's right she's acting up because of constipation from cheese. So a) the episode shoves too much cheese for any episode of any show, and B) the reason for the events is because of constipation. Why?  

       The moral of the episode should be the parents should have paid attention to their daughter eating so much cheese that or they were so busy shoveling cheese that they forgot. The reason actually makes the weak episode not good. It was weak and the reason actually knocks out it.  There's nothing that holds it together to be interesting, there's repeating cheese mentions like they are making sure you are paying attention to the stupid cheese, hey look cheese!  Plus the episode has the parents written like those parents who when their child does something wrong, it couldn't be their kid's fault or their own fault, and those are annoying people in real human life, so that didn't work.   

       It was a weak episode, the ending makes it even more weaker, I just don't  think constipation should  have been a reason for the whole plot, or that they were going hard on the cheese just to make sure the audience goes ooooh that makes sense.  The episode also decides to end with Leni also getting constipated  and Lynn Sr having to get more bran muffins made because that's supposed to be funny. ( Take off 2 pts please)  No, like the cheese flippie in the episode, it wasn't good I give it 4.5/10. 

 More after the Jump, please be a better a episode after the jump

Episode 25b: Frame on You

          And it was better. 

                It starts with Lincoln anchoring the news (yes) and his friends are with him too because that's the news plots for the show pay attention. Anyway, the night before there was a dance and stink bomb let off  and the suspect is apparently Rusty. (Gasp) Rusty pleads his innocence and he's suspended. This makes Lincoln and the rest of his friends decide they need to investigate.   
       Rusty shows up dressed up as woman in disguise to clear his name. Apparently, the principal thinks that disguise is so good that he's an actual substitute teacher and makes him go and teach a class. Which is both funny and disturbing. Anyway the rest of the friends meet an informant for the names of witness, that being Meryl who apparently really feels she has to help Rusty wow. 

      There's a list of names like the gym coach, Paige (holy wow), and Chandler, who all have evidence that it was Rusty.  The friends don't think that matches up though, so there's plan B. Flip... never mind, Plan C,is to find out who bought the outfit that matches the person in the  Chandler video at Rusty's dad's shop. 

           They have names: Chad, Dirk, and Jordan. One by one they check out each person who has a good reason. So this episode decides to bring back Boy Jordan, just for reasons I'll get to , but he looks different than he did in past seasons, and I'm shocked #notmyboyjordan. They feel defeated after not figuring out who dun it.  
          Then during the newscast, Stella has a brain blast, and realizes that Jordan meant , Girl Jordan. (Dun Dun dun) and since there's a minute  left, she is right. A twist I was expecting.  She put the screw in the tuna!  Wait hold on, why did she do it?  Apparently, Rusty and her were partners (in crime?)  in home ec (oh no crime , sad face) and Girl Jordan was un happy that Rusty decided to dance around in class and cause their cake to collapse and got a F.  Three things 1) That teacher is a hard grader, these are children, man!   2) That was dumb she kept the suit and fake Rusty (clown) wig in locker like an idiot, 3) this plan was very well done I'm scared. 
     Jordan apologizes and admits she made a mistake  and overreacted.  The principal agrees to let her off at Rusty's request if he continues to substitute teach since those are hard to find. (They let a bob cat run around the school)  The ending is kind of quick and weird, but  I like it because it wasn't over the top or anything it was more like Rusty understood he made a mistake messing up the project and Jordan understood she messed up by overacting instead of maybe talking it out with Rusty. I like that episode didn't end with a punishment  but with some nuance. 

     I like who dun it episodes, they are fun, and I like that it was Chandler, that would have been a cop out and actually not fitting his character.  This was a good season finale episode and a good one all around. I enjoyed that the episode didn't make it too obvious and didn't make it's twist too twisty (that's a word).  I give it 8.5/10. 

     Now, this was the final segments of the 5th season of this series.  Overall, this season was  a delightful surprise to me, and found myself enjoying it more than I thought I would.  There's was an overall freshness to this season, that I felt from watching it.  Funny enough, the only episodes I really didn't like were far and few between, and  most were in the solid 7/10 range.  Funny enough, the episode featured in this post, "Appetite for Destruction" was my least favorite episode of the season, and overall one my least favorites of the series, which isn't a long list.  
    The elephant in the room is that they did some age-up, but it feels more like a grade up for most of the characters, versus actual age. Lola, Lana, and Lisa were the only characters to have an age mentioned that was higher than what they had in season 1-4, but I liked the new middle school environment for Lincoln and his friends.  
         One thing that  I found great about this season is that it has given Lincoln more "wins" than before. He had some great shining examples this season, I especially liked his increased confidence , you'll especially see it  in "Family Bonding" and "Rumor Has It" . 

    They've also done some good work with Lisa and Lynn this season. I liked that Lisa was given some more focus on her, since she is my favorite sister in the show, but I'm glad that her episodes were pretty good and giving her more to do as a character. She also made some great appearances in a few other episodes.  I'm also liking they had her with do a story with Lynn, that was a great touch and really made a good episode together.  

   Lynn has gotten some good development this season, and I'm saying development not meaning changing her character but having her character grow.  There is a difference, she can still be rough and that's fine, but she has shown some great growth "Cow Pie Kid" , "Hurl, Interrupted", "Friday Night Fights" show this really well, and I'm even glad she's had a couple episodes not about sports ("Diss the Cook" and "Hurl, Interrupted") I like the idea of the sisters getting more to them than just their one trait as a focus. 
   On that note, I do wish they had done that more with Lana, they seem to gravitate to her animal love instead of also adding in her other favorite things to do.  Her episodes were alright, I think "Training Day" was good, wished we had another Lincoln friend and sister combo episode, but was good.  I think the birthday episode was weak, it would have been stronger if it wasn't just Lana likes gross stuff, but had focused on favorite things and that she wanted for her party, but Lola was annoyed by that, instead of kind of justifying the idea that Lola might be right and that's wrong for not wanting some gross stuff at the party.  It didn't help well at all. 
        My favorite episode of the season was a surprise to that it even ended up being that, and that's "Zach Attack" it was really a fun episode that I found I can watch over and over and enjoy, it was a very strong episode to me and really liked that Zach got some focus.  I wish the other friends get something like this in the future (and maybe another Zach episode) 

    The weakest part of the season , those exist too, is that I'm not sure what they want to do with Lori, because the college... thing seems to have locked them up on ideas. "Ghosted!" wasn't ...cut I mean it was half good, but wasn't a good special.  Either that they really wanted to focus on stuff outside of Lori to see what they could do, I'm not sure, I wasn't there.  If you were looking for Lori college fun I can understand your disappointment.  It does seem they didn't want to do much with her.  (again my guess, anything could have been a reason)  
  I'm going to say I don't mind the amount of Lincoln and friends episodes, just because they introduced these characters and we should get to see more of  them, if there's going to be anyway to care about them. I do like seeing their little quirks and stuff, it would be nice to see them have more fleshed-out stuff, but I think so far, it was a fun change of pace. I would like to see them maybe have not all 6 all the time, maybe have just 3 or have Lincoln with a non-Clyde friend in a Clincoln like story, fresh it up and change things up a little. I WANT to know how Liam and Lincoln work together without the others, or why are they friends? or what do they have in common, I can tell what Lincoln and Clyde have, so it would be nice to see that with others.  Maybe have the friends break up into different 2's so for a plot.  A fault I do have with them ,at least, is that they mostly were school episodes, minus a few moments or spots they were mostly in school, it would be nice to have a friend's episode at the Loud House or somewhere else, there are weekends and summer they could do.   

    I'm glad to see that Girl Jordan and Chandler ,and few others were remembered and given more to work with this season.  I think the town of Royal Woods should be given more  life and the characters (beyond Flip) should be given that as well.  
         My top rankings 
     My Favorite : Zach Attack 
  Least Favorite : Appetite for Destruction 

  Surprise Hit (s) : Cow Pie Kid, Zach Attack,  Dream a Lilly Dream , Rumor has It, Diss the Cook, Friday Night Fights, Season's Cheatings 
Kind of let downs:  Strife of the party , Ghosted! 


