The Loud House: Season 4: Episode 14: Good Sports/ Geriantics

 The Loud House Nickelodeon 

                    Episode 14a : Good Sports 

              Lynn wants to watch football, and the knock-off super bowl with the knock off Detroit Lions.  She wants her sisters of Leni, Luna, and Lola to watch with her but apparently nobody wants to watch with her.  (Also I guess Lynn Sr and/or Rita don't like sports, but plot gotta plot) Then she can hear the next door neighbor, Mr. Grouse, cheering on the football game, at his house, because that's how that works.(These houses must suck and are made of tissue paper walls)  They are both knock-off Detroit Lions fans. They both watch the game together.   

            First  there is some contrast between the two characters and they slightly annoy each other with the other's existence and Lynn does decide to try and leave.  There was a football play that made them bond and they have fun watching the game.  And the not Detroit Lions win the not Superbowl.  (That's how you know this is a fictional show)  

             Lynn finds out more things about Lynn like there was a Mrs. Grouse, and he  has a football that was signed by a football player and he gives it to Lynn.  It's a sweet moment to see, and she gives him her stinky lucky socks.  They hope to be sports buddies the next season, but also remembers baseball season. (at least someone does) 

           They find out they are fans of rival baseball teams because the episode has 4 minutes left and they wanted a conflict. (Also Mr. Grouse decorates his room for different sports he's watching ,what the  heck man?)   They to be sports buddies during a game, but this is hard. (What they need here is a common enemy  : The Los Angeles Dodgers)   She decides to leave and give back the football, he gave back the socks.  

          Also these houses still suck because they can hear each other.  After feeling lonely they both start having a little back and forth between each other by the windows. It's a sweet build up and eventually, Grouse tells her to come back and they are together again. 

         It's a simple episode, but a nice one. It's nice to see Mr. Grouse doing more than just their random guy they need for something, but actually be apart of the plot. Seeing these bond over sports is a nice touch and seeing that they can be friends even if they like rival teams.   If they didn't want to have Lynn and a Loud bond with a sport, at least they found someone who works just as well. There's not much to say about this episode, but it's a good episode 8/10.

More after the Jump 

    Episode 14b : Geriantics 

            DEATH!  This is episode is about death, or facing death, the idea and concept of death, but it's also about life, mostly: living.  

                    That makes the episode sound dark, but it's not. I did get your attention though. This episode leans on more on Lisa's being a 4-year-old side, over the concept of her being smarter than everyone else, but that's still part of it.  Starting with the family's grandfather, "Pop-Pop" being part of this episode.  He's reading a book to Lisa as a bedtime story. It's sweet to see, and shows more to Lisa's characterization. 

                She does mention that she has discovery that will be broken through in about 73 years. (Sure alright) The grandfather mentions that he's proud and too bad he won't be around in 73 years. Lisa apparently forgot that most people don't leave to be 140 years old, (I'm guessing the old man's age) and I'm  more surprised that Lisa wouldn't have realized this, because it doesn't  make sense but they had to structure that for the plot that way.    

                    Then she decides to use the power of Science to find away to have the man live to be around another 73 years.  I will also add the light little Lilly and Lisa moments are also a nice touch since you don't see much of their roommate isms going on. Lisa decides to convince her Pop Pop be more active and more healthy or something.  The montage shows that she makes him live in a miserable way, because the point of this episode ; that's right giving it away right here,  is that what's the point of living if you aren't able to enjoy that living?  

            Lisa's methods are there out of concern that she cares about her grandfather but lost that important part of understanding that.  She goes and spies to see if the old man is following along with the regiment. She does the logical step of  disguising her self as an old woman. (logic 100)  Lisa decides to do a crazier plan of (why couldn't she just un kill him when he dies?) putting him into a robotic suit to make him live longer.  

       Also Lisa does play video games and with the old man, so why didn't they do that sooner with Lincoln and playing together (because they hate me that why?) The drawback of the suit is has to be charged 5 times a day for 3 hours each time, meaning that 15 hours of his day is wasted, because he can't move. (That's bad)  Also can't find out they can't  go outside, because sun light kill the suit.  (That's bad)  Also, he can't hug Lisa and can't touch anybody because this suit sucks.  

       He decides to do what he should have like 6 minutes ago, tells her that  thing I just said earlier about he wants to live his life?    

        That is a good message to have , while they also fit it with Lisa's characterization and well. It was nice to show Lisa and Pop-Pop's relationship, something we saw before with Lincoln and him, and kind of had the same message but not with Lincoln learning that but trying to get the home to do figure that out.  They executed the idea well. I'm happy that they did this episode, and my bias of liking Lisa does skew it a little. It's a simple episode as well with some fun to it, and I think the message works without laying it on to thick.

       I do have to note something, this episode aired on November 16 ,2019 in the US, a few months later the voice actor for Pop Pop , actor Fred Willard, died at the age of 86. It kind of makes it a little dark in hindsight . 

     Anyway, I give it 8/10.

That's it for now, now you, yes you! Go live! Live! Live!   I'm sleepy I'm going to bed.



