The Casagrandes : Season 2: Episode 1 Fails from the Crypt / Bad Cluck

 The Casagrandes  Nickelodeon 

                    The show has made it to a season 2, so we are here continuing what we've already done.  It's time! 

   Episode 1a: Fails from the Crypt 

               Ronnie Anne is going camping at a cemetery, because a group called the fearless four spent a night at the cemetery and they want to try it 40 years after they did.  Ronnie Annie's mother , Maria, and her uncle Carlos, have also tried to do the same when they were kids.  After some hesitation from Rosa and Hector, they decide to let this happen.  

               Ronnie Anne and her friends are camping at the cemetery. They hear strange noises in the cemetery and Casey sees a skeleton and runs off. Splitting up happens because that's how Scooby doo works.   After seeing a giant spider and zombie the rest run away.  Apparently, these monsters were Rosa, Hector, and Serigio, with Vito helping with a fog machine. They were the fearless four and didn't want their record to go away. 

           The next day,  Rosa and  Hector find out the kids are going to try again.  You'll notice that Carlos and Maria go to help. (What does that  mean?)   When the fearless four try again to scare the kids they hear strange noises  and see a vampire. (Silly show, Vampires live in apartments not cemeteries ) They find out there's a wolfman. This ended being a prank because Ronnie Annie figured out that who was scaring them.  (Laird didn't know this) 

         They made it all night to be fearless 12.   

               How was this episode: It was fun, mostly just fun,  there's not much I can say about the episode more than that. A fun realization is knowing from some past episodes that Rosa is good at putting up some scares, really plays well for this episode.  I  give it 7.5/10 

  More after the Jump

         Episode 1b: Bad Cluck

              A grounded slice of life show decides to lose some of that grounding.  I mean that.  It starts with Sergio trying on different outfits, because yes. He picks sunglasses , these are important to the plot later on.   Anyway the show seems to be doing normal stuff.  Then strange things start to happen, so what's the plot synopsis of this episode? 

              "A haunted chicken pesters the family."  I mean what?  That's the plot, a literal ghost chicken s a thing that happens, ok then.  So they are doing this.  Anyway, thanks to Hector sending out texts, the neighbors decide to help with this ghost chicken problem.  They find out the chicken is mad at Sergio.  Sergio mentions that he once went on the chicken's car. (what?  also -0.5 pts for that mention)   some how Alfredo, the chicken's, car is there, somehow.  

               Sergio then mentions another wrong thing, by ruining his birthday party. That doesn't work either because we need to fill this eleven minutes up.  Eventually, the chicken posses Carlos and helps reveal that Sergio took the sun glasses that's he was wearing this entire episode.(The best part of this episode is follow through there)  The chicken is happy now and yeah. 

        Kind of strange a normally grounded show wants to say ghosts are real,(and funny enough it aired the same night a Loud House episode premiered that also had ghost being real) because that's something.  It's like 80's Scooby Doo.    This episode is weird and it really does get your attention, if they want the viewers not to like Sergio, mission accomplished.  I found it funny that some neighbors were like "Oh a ghost, I'll help you" that's not the reaction I would be expecting. It's a strange out of the blue random episode but it's kind of fun its own way. I give it 7.8/10 



