The Loud House Season 2: Episode 21a: No Laughing Matter/ Episode 26b: Snow Way Down

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

 Previously on the Loud House: Lisa makes a friend. You can read that here

       First off , I already did episode 21b , No Spoliers, and that was paired with 21a "Snow Way Out" so you can check those out here 

 Now to episode to episode 21a : Laughing Matter

         Luan likes to make puns , a little to much.  In this episode Luan does an excessive amount puns and pranks  to promote her comedy show to her siblings,  annoying them. (And some of the viewers too)  Luan overhears her siblings complaining about her puns  and jokes so she does the logical thing of giving up.  Like the next day, everyone expects Luan to give a joke and gets ready for it, only for it to not happen. Now everyone was concerned for 5 seconds until they figure they like the new pun-less Luan.

         Lincoln finds out that Luan has decided to cancel her attendance at a comedy show; the one she was promoting earlier.   She tells him that she overheard them and  realizes that she is not funny. She starts throwing away her joke stuff.  Lincoln  tells others that she is giving up comedy and everyone feels a little bad  and wants to help her get back into comedy.

    The first plan doesn't work so now everyone laughs and spit takes (which annoys me)  at anything Luan says, but she quickly figures it out and tells them to stop.  Lisa wants to use time travel but Lincoln's idea is to do a bad comedy show to get Luan to come up there.  This works.  Luan won the thing and she tells her family that she will try and tone it down a little. 

      It's an alright episode, though it kind of interesting to wonder why she would give up on comedy so quickly. Maybe the run time or something.  This episode is fine and it does show that Luan likes to do comedy to make people happy, though we didn't get much into why likes to do comedy it would be have been a little nice, they could have skipped a montage or something to do it.  It does make sense others outside the family would be more interested in her jokes than those inside because they don't hear them all the time.  I'm giving this episode an 8/10.

more after the jump

   Episode 26b : Snow Way Down 

            Clyde gets an episode slightly in focus, at least with him and his family getting an exploration.   Lincoln is joining the McBrides, so you don't forget this is the Loud House, and they going on vacation in winter. (Finally, a pro winter vacation show)  Now, the show decides to make Clyde's Dads annoyingly overprotective.  Like it starts a little weird, but it seems to escalate to over board protectiveness.  Like putting them in more winter gear than Randy in "A Christmas Story", putting mattresses on trees and bubble wrapping the kids, stopping snowball fights, cold hot chocolate (defeating the purpose of hot chocolate). Lincoln tells Clyde that this a little too much, while Clyde is wearing a seat belt on the couch.

              Clyde decides to tell his dads that maybe this is too much.  They still interfere because we need this plot to go on for 5 more minutes. Clyde decides to run away and go on the ramp of insanity seen earlier in the episode.  Howard faints too much as well (because comedy?).  Lincoln and the dads go to the ramp of insanity.  Guess what, Clyde's not there after all and they get stuck on the run down ramp of insanity.

       Clyde comes back to the cabin.  He tells his parents through walkie talky that he didn't go because he realized his parents were right.  (Good, they were right about the run down ramp being bad, that doesn't mean the couch needed to be seat-belted) Clyde is a very MVP in this episode and it's great to see his character have something more to him.  The parents say they won't be so overprotective. (I wonder how long that will last, huh, season 4?)

               As this is the final episode of the season, but the end of our run I will have save thoughts on second season for a later episode's post. You can tell more than with "Homespun" that they knew they were going to have a season 3 and so this episode doesn't have that feeling of being a good last episode like Homespun did.  This is a good episode, I'm a little confused as to Lincoln not realizing that Clyde's parents are over protective if he's known Clyde for years , but I guess we needed a plot and does fit with Clyde's age. Where maybe it's more noticeable than when they were younger.  It does provide a contrast to Lincoln's parents who aren't as overprotective (they let their daughters play in sports, with chemicals, and do  dangerous pranks)   The episode at least doesn't drag the whole thing out too much to make everything feel annoying and it works with the pacing. It's a good episode  I give it 9/10.

    Tune in next time, when we tell the federal government not to force seat belts on couches.

